- Zeng Guofan studied and surmounted Tongcheng Group. 曾国藩师法桐城,又处处超越桐城。
- Washington, Lincoln, Einstein, Nobel, Newton, Adam Smith, JP Morgan, Zeng Guofan, Hu Xueyan, Deng Xiaoping. 华盛顿、林肯、爱因斯坦、诺贝尔、牛顿、亚当斯密、JP摩根、曾国藩、胡雪岩、邓小平。
- The left thering is"the ocean duty exercise" Zuo Zongtang , Zeng Guofan is these persons. 幸亏有“洋务运动”的左宗棠,曾国藩这些人物。
- Mao Zedong's strategic decision was like the strategic thinking of Wang Chuanshan, Zeng Guofan and Ru Linyi. 毛泽东的战略决策表现出与王船山、曾国藩、胡林翼同样的战略思路。
- Zeng Jize, also called Zeng Jiegang, as Zeng Guofan"s oldest son, is a celebrated diplomatist in modern China, who was born in Xiangxiang Hunan. 曾纪泽,字劼刚,湖南湘乡人,曾国藩长子,是中国近代著名的外交家。
- With believers acting more arrogantly and out of control, people's anger and frustration mounted and eventually led to revolts (according to Zeng Guofan). 教民势焰愈横,平民愤郁愈甚。郁极必反,则聚众而群思一逞。”(曾国藩语)
- When he was at service, he lacked experience in strategy, was stingy in economy and was radical in politics.Although he was impeached greatly, Zeng Guofan defended him many times. 在山东巡抚任上,他因在军事方面缺乏经验,经济方面有些吝啬,政治方面过于偏激,受到严苛的弹劾,两江总督曾国藩又多次为他辩护。
- When he was at service, he lacked experience in strategy, was stingy in economy and was radical in politics. Although he was impeached greatly, Zeng Guofan defended him many times. 在山东巡抚任上,他因在军事方面缺乏经验,经济方面有些吝啬,政治方面过于偏激,受到严苛的弹劾,两江总督曾国藩又多次为他辩护。
- The difference of knowledge and conflict on thoughts between ZENG Guofan and ZENG Jize, KANG Youwei and LIANG Qichao could be regarded as the typical examples in the modem cultural history of China. 发生在曾国藩和曾纪泽父子之间及康有为和梁启超师生之间的认识差异和思想冲突,可以看成是近代思想史上代际冲突最典型的例子。
- In this unique historical context, Zeng Guofan makes resurgence of Tongcheng Group once more and influences the late Qing dynasty for half a century, letting it transform and innovate. 正是在这一独特的历史语境下,曾国藩通过对桐城派的改造和革新,使其再度走向“中兴”,并影响了清朝末期半个多世纪。
- In order to win the victory of war to suppress the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Zeng Guofan carried out the important pacifying policy which his soldiers with Hunan origin enjoyed great honor and favour. 摘要为赢得镇压太平天国战争的胜利,曾国藩始终将对湘军战士的优恤政策放在一个重要的位置。
- On Zeng Guofan's Antithetical Couplets 曾国藩题联辑说
- Study on Zeng Guofan's Utilitarianism Thought 曾国藩功利主义思想探源
- Zeng Guofan and His Confucian Sects 曾国藩及其理学宗派
- The expansion of the modem Hunan gentry forces benefits considerably from the establishment of Zeng Guofans Xiang Army. 近代湖南绅权势力的膨胀得益于曾国藩创办的湘军。
- On Zeng Guofan's Military Strategy in the An Qing Campaign 论安庆会战中曾国藩的军事战略
- Zeng Guofan: Words on Calligraphy and His Own Calligraphy 曾国藩的书论与书法
- An Humble Opinion of Zeng Guofan's General Plan of Commanding Troops 曾国藩治军方略刍议
- Zeng Guofan's Personal Character Idea and Cultural Significance of Thought 曾国藩的人格理念及其思想文化意义
- Remarkable and outstanding hurnorous and unrestrained--On Zeng guofan developing Tong Cheng group manliness 瑰玮俊迈诙诡恣肆--曾国藩对桐城文派阳刚风格之张扬