- The culture quality of Zang Kejia"s prose came from his cultivation in language, tradition and humanism spirits. 臧克家散文的文化品位来源于他的语言品位、传统修养和人格精神。
- Zang Kejia is both a celebrated poet and an important proser in the history of Modern & Contemporary Chinese literature. 臧克家是五四新文学运动以来中国现当代文学史中的著名诗人和重要散文家。
- Zhang Kejia's poetry could be considered as the new growing point of Chinese modern poetry and Zang Kejia was its founder and trail-blazer. 这些成就,使臧诗成为中国特色新诗的新起点,臧克家就是中国特色新诗新起点的奠基者和开路人。
- Rhyming in Modern Poetry: Zang Kejia's Practice and Viewpoints 论臧克家新诗创作的押韵及新诗押韵观
- " Zang Kejia renowned scholars also said "some people alive, he was dead. 著名学者臧克家也说过“有的人活着,他已经死了。
- Clear Breeze, Bright Principles and Club Fragrantness at the Old Age--On Zang Kejia's New Poem with Short Lines from the Establishment of China 清风晚节老梅香--论臧克家建国以来的新诗短章
- Zang Kejia 臧克家
- The character definitely refers to Monk Xuan Zang. 肯定是玄奘法师嘛。
- Tianshuo Zang is an engaging girl. 臧天朔是个迷人的女孩。
- Zang WP, Ma T, Zhang ZY, Li ZC, Wang W, Li XF. 关键词:椎体压缩骨折;
- Series Zhongguo Zang zu ren kou yan jiu xi lie. 中国藏族人口研究系列.
- Zang language is an old, and mysterious language. 藏语是一种古老而神秘的语言。
- Zang opera has high cutural value. 藏戏具有很高的文化价值。
- BN volunteer, Miss Zang Tingting, hosts the auction. 百年职校志愿者臧婷婷小姐主持拍卖活动。
- Ninghua Kejia min jian yin yue / Wang Jianhe, Zhang Biaofa bian zhu. 宁化客家民间音乐 / 王建和; 张标发编著.
- He has devoted his entire life to research on Zang Studies. 他毕生都致力于对藏学的研究。
- Wu Zang today are bad, their solutions fall, do Tiangui. 今五藏皆衰,筋骨解堕,天癸尽矣。
- Zang Tianshuo Beijing singer had been taken to the police measures. 歌手臧天朔已被北京警方采取强制措施。
- In front of the chair sets the statue of the King of Hell Di Zang. 法师座跟前供着地藏王,下面供着一盘盘面制桃子、大米。
- XiShuangBanNa hava a lot of minority nations,Thai,Dao,Zang and so on. 西双版纳有很多少数名族,傣族,瑶族,藏族等。