- Yesterday, net name is " small ancestor fish " Zhao Zhen by east arrest of city police punishment. 鱼儿"告知齐美女,它被后母赶岀家口没有地方安身。齐美女因此请"鱼儿"到自已家容身。
- Ni Zhen Ji Wen was photographed as the evening, Zhou Huimin has been admitted to the derailment occurred, is reported to Zhou Huimin gas crying on the spot. 倪震被拍到激吻照的当晚,就已经向周慧敏坦承出轨情事,据传周慧敏气到当场嚎啕大哭。
- Zhao Zhen, HR official of Beijing DHC Digital Technology Corporation, said the company will recruit more graduates than last year at the national job fair when it comes to Beijing next week. 北京东华合创数码科技股份有限公司人力资源部的赵振表示,等下周全国招聘会来到北京时,其公司将与去年同期相比扩大对应届毕业生的招收录用。
- Huang Junli, Cheng Li hua and Zhao Zhen ye, The Pattern of ClO2 Stabilized by Na2CO3/H2O2, Water Research, 2001, 35 (10) 2570-2573, (Sci 黄君礼时文歆王丽崔崇威李海波等,二氧化氯消毒饮用水的工程应用研究,黑龙江省科技进步二等奖,2002。
- Ah Q looks idiotic before Master Zhao. 阿Q在赵太爷面前显得呆头呆脑。
- Er shi shi ji Taiwan min zhu da shi xie zhen / zong ce hua, Boyang. 二十世纪台湾民主大事写真 / 总策划; 柏杨.
- Zhen Ji Bu Rong Ji 真机不容已
- Ji Hua and Ji Zhen are two sisters who lost their parents at very young ages. 纪华和纪真是一对亲姐妹,她们从小失去父母,特别喜欢孩子。
- Wang Zhen is the general manager of WINTIM Inc. 王震是问天公司的总经理。
- Zhao:Do you have any new plan for the program? 赵:你对你的节目有什么新的计划吗?
- Another of Zhao ji's important achievements was that he created the shoujin (slender gold) style of calligraphy. 他还创立了一种精瘦劲健的"瘦金体"书法,别具一格。
- Ambassador Ji gave a warm speech at the reception. 冀大使在会上发表了热情洋溢的讲话。
- Zhang Qiu Zhen Yu Forging Co., Ltd. 章丘振宇锻造有限公司宁波三鑫机电制造有限公司。
- Xiao Li and Xiao Zhao will stay over with us. 小李和小赵将留在我们这儿过夜。
- Zhen ai your life, be far away from feiwen. 珍爱生命,远离各种绯闻。
- He is Mr. Zhao Hongkun,director of that department. 他是赵洪坤,营销部主任。
- Hey, Ji Wei! Wait! Let me walk with you. 嗨,冀伟!等等!我跟你一起走。
- Where's An Zhen Center Primary School? 安镇中心小学在哪里?
- Shall we talk about the mode of payment,Mr. Zhao? 赵先生,我们来谈谈付款方式,好吗?