- Yuriolki Gamboa 加姆伯阿
- Gamboa's faster than Valero, who is much stronger and harder-punching than the former amateur star. 杜吉:加姆博阿比瓦雷罗的速度更快,而瓦雷罗比这位前业余拳击明星更强壮有力。
- Yuriorkis Gamboa (right) was in command against overmatched Jose Rojas from beginning to end Saturday in Primm, Nevada. Photo / Naoki Fukuda 图:周六,内华达州Primm,加姆博阿(右)在拳台上从始至终控制着实力悬殊的罗加斯。
- The thing that really set Gamboa apart is that he was the only elite fighter who didn't struggle over the weekend. 不过,对于这位出拳超快且重的古巴羽量级拳手来说,这只在意料之中。
- Gamboa sent his opponent to the canvas less than 30 seconds into first round with a left hand. 首回合不到30秒,加姆博阿左拳击倒了对手,紧接着又两次击倒对手,然后裁判终止了比赛。
- It was obvious the minute Gamboa stepped into the ring as a professional that he was destined to become a force. 特别之处在于,他是上周末唯一一位不必苦苦支撑的精英级拳手。
- I like Gamboa, especially at 126 pounds, but had they met at 130 pounds, I think my “son” would have decapitated the Cuban. 我喜欢加姆博阿,特别是在126磅级别的他。倘若让他俩在130磅打一场,那么,“我儿子”会把古巴人活活斩首了。
- Gamboa would like to fight Chris John, but he'll have to wait. John is scheduled to face Rocky Juarez in a rematch on June 27 in Los Angeles. 接下来,加姆博阿想和克里斯.;约翰过招,但他得耐心等待,因为约翰将于6月27日在洛杉矶与苏亚雷兹打二番战。
- Gamboa then finished the fight by pressuring Ramirez into the ropes and landing a left hook to the body, followed by a right uppercut to the jaw. 接着,加姆博阿将对手逼到绳圈,左勾拳击中腹部,右上勾击中下巴,比赛结束。
- Gamboa exhibited amazing handspeed and quick combination punching in the first round before he was dropped by what was revealed to be an elbow to the chin by Ramirez. 。首回合,加姆博阿展示了他那惊人的拳速和快速组合拳,随后他倒地一次,他的下巴显然是被对手的肘部击中;
- Yuriorkis Gamboa Toledano (born December 23, 1981) is a Cuban professional boxer who, as an amateur boxer, won an Olympic gold medal in the flyweight division at the 2004 Summer Olympics. 职业拳手尤里奥吉斯.;加姆博阿原籍古巴,生于1981年12月23日,曾获2004年奥运会蝇量级拳击金牌。
- Gamboa didn't land an inordinate number of meaningful shots only because Rojas bobbed and weaved and ran the entire night, although Rojas did go down in the fifth round from a right. 整场比赛,罗加斯都在跳步、迂回和躲避,第5回合,他曾被加姆博阿的一记右拳击倒。这种情况下,加姆博阿并未过多地出拳。
- Gamboan. 甘博亚
- Gamboa bunyavirus 甘博亚本扬病毒
- Gamboa virus 甘博亚病毒