- Are you able to accept the yuppie point of view? 你能接受雅痞的观念吗?
- The word yuppie is used to describe young, affluent professionals. 这个字是用来形容年轻又有钱的专业人士。
- Reagan took the yuppie vote from Mondale by 67% to 32%. 从沃尔特蒙德手中拉到的雅皮士选票,从蒙德的支持率从67%25降到了32%25。
- A brokerage yuppie no longer, Wu Hsin-hui now works happily in insurance. 不做号子英雄,吴心慧是个快乐的保险业务员。
- They no longer lived in yuppie Mid-Levels, but now became country bumpkins. 他们不再居住于优皮族的半山区,但现在成为了田园的华丽一族。
- Jeffery, yuppie to the max, was always as close to perfection in his appearance as he could be. 杰夫是彻头彻尾的雅皮士,一向仔细地全力打扮自己的外表。
- Aidan: It's too far. We'll never get a cab at this time. Anyway, that's a yuppie joint. 艾丹:太远了。我们现在已经叫不到计程车了。无论如何,雅皮愿意去那儿。
- Planners turned the once-bustling Boat Quay into a yuppie watering hole and set rules for the controversial restoration of Chinatown shop houses. 规划人员把曾经人来人往的船码头变成了雅皮士的水上活动场所,并且制订了颇受争议的恢复唐人街店铺的条例。
- My friend is a Yuppie . He lives in a huge house in Beverly hill and earns $85,000 a year . 我朋友是城市里一个雅皮士。 他住在贝费利希尔斯的一所大房子里,年薪为八万五千美元。
- Yuppie means young and ambitious professional person, especially one working in a city. 照这样看来,雅皮士就是那些年轻有为的专业人士,尤指在城市工作的。
- Scratch a Shanghai Yuppie and you will find a virulent nationalist-on Taiwan, Japan and America. 面对上海雅皮士你就会发现充满敌意的民族主义者-对台湾,日本和美国。
- That woman with hair dishevelled who stand by salad cabinet is a little likes yuppie in 90th age. 站在色拉柜旁边哪个披头散发的女人有点像90年代的雅皮士。
- In red braces and huge stripes the Yuppie was born and also our love of excess that continued unabashed until recently. 雅皮士(城市职业阶层中的年轻人士)的红色条纹背带,以及我们那过多的爱情,到现在都还泰然自若的继续着。
- They created the teenager, the yuppie, the baby boomer, the singleton and the metrosexual. 他们把消费者划分为:青少年,婴儿潮,单身主义者和都市玉男。
- The yuppie ideal to get rich quick and then spend, spend, spend, no longer exists. 雅皮士过去快速致富,不断花钱的理念已过时了。
- That's pricey by mainland standards, but affordable for the growing crowds of yuppie domestic tourists. 这种价位按照大陆的标准不算便宜,但对中国越来越多的“雅皮士”游客来说是承受得起的。
- Despite debilitating symptoms, patients have been accused of suffering from an imaginary illness: “yuppie flu”. 尽管有衰弱的症状,病人们却被认为是无病呻吟:所谓“雅皮士流感”。
- Ik ben blij...heel heel blij!!!!!!!Want nu ga ik mijn eigen career beginen......Yuppie!!!! 要去上海了,家人已经帮我找好了房子,在哪里我都不知道。。。
- fast-flowing 湍急的
- A device that was a yuppie toy not so long ago has now become a potent force for economic development in the world's poorest countries. 在不远的过去还是雅皮士们玩具的手机,现在已经成为世界上最贫穷的国家经济发展的潜在动力之一。