- Yunnan Glutinous paddy 滇糯稻
- Mutagenic Breeding of Yunnan Glutinous Rice by Laser Irradiation and Electric Field Excitation 激光辐照激发诱变滇糯稻
- The paddy area was extended to900000 mu last year. 去年稻田面积扩大到了90万亩。
- Thatch hut is raised high above the paddy field on stilt. 茅草屋用柱高高地建在稻田之上。
- They are turning waste land into paddy fields. 他们正在使荒地变为稻田。
- Dry land has been turned into paddy fields. 旱地变水田。
- The water gurgled into the paddy field. 水汩汩地流入稻田。
- The grain shop is now in need of glutinous rice. 那粮店现在正需要糯米。
- The soldiers were bellying through the rice paddy. 战士们在稻田里匍匐前进。
- Study on genetic effects of mutagenic breeding of Yunnan Sanjiao Fragrant Glutinous Rice by laser[J]. 引用该论文 周凌云;任兆鸿;王昆林;吴光敏;陈一民;徐卫华;杨开亮.
- Paddy's heart seemed to block his throat. 帕迪的心提到了喉咙口。
- Very famous gun battery made of glutinous rice. 非常有名的糯米饭炮台。
- There could be glutinous rice batteries. 用糯米饭做的炮台。
- The ears of paddy are ripe and golden. 稻穗金黄。
- Of this, about6000 mu were turned in to rice paddy. 其中大约有6000亩改成了稻田。
- We have some nice pomelos just in from Yunnan. 我们有很好的柚子,是刚从云南运来的。
- Add water gradually into glutinous rice flour. 把清水慢慢加入糯米粉中。
- The paddy area was extended to 900000 mu last year. 去年稻田面积扩大到了90万亩。
- For many people, Yunnan is a land of mystery. 对许多人来说,云南是一片神秘的土地。
- Embryo planospiral;perisperm scant, glutinous. 胚平面螺旋状外胚乳不够,黏。