- Yulania biondii 望春玉兰
- Anti-inflammatory Mechanism of the Volatile Oil of Magnolia biondii Pamp. 望春花油的抗炎机理。
- Abstract : Tree species of Yulania Spach is Chinese traditional ornamental , officinal and spiceberry . 摘要 : 玉兰属树种是中国传统观赏花木和药用及香料植物。
- Study of the chemical constitution of essential oils from Magnolia biondii Pamp. 望春玉兰精油化学成分研究。
- The cluster result based on AFLP was generally in harmony with the morphologic taxa in Subgenus Yulania. 玉兰亚属种间基于AFLP分析的聚类结果与形态学对种的划分基本吻合。
- Results The Magnolia biondii Pamp volotile oil nanometer bangosome had little cilitoxicit... 结论纳米辛夷挥发油脂质体对黏膜无明显毒性作用。
- Title: Anti-inflammatory Mechanism of the Volatile Oil of Magnolia biondii Pamp. 关键词:辛夷;望春花;挥发油;抗炎机理
- The cross-compatibility commonly existed in the same genus of Magnoliaceae, except genus Magnolia (between subgenus Magnolia and Yulania ). 木兰亚属种间杂交均表现为亲和,含笑属有些种间杂交不亲和;
- The results indicate that each of species, varieties or cultivars of Yulania Spach has itself specific zymogram or zymogram factors. 结果表明,该属20种植物的过氧化物同工酶酶谱均有显著差异,每种均有特征酶谱或以酶谱因子不同相区别。
- Objective To investigate the toxicity of nasal membreane and ciliary of the Magnolia biondii Pamp volotile oil nanometer bangosome. 目的观察纳米辛夷挥发油脂质体对鼻黏膜纤毛的毒性。
- Studying on the history of classification of Yulania denudata and the specimens which were gathered by author for many years. 摘要作者对多年来采集的玉兰植物标本进行了分类、整理和研究。
- Conclusion The Magnolia biondii Pamp volatile oil nanometer bangosome may have little toxicity by intragastric administration and nose dropping. 结论辛夷挥发油纳米脂质体经灌胃及鼻腔给药无明显毒性反应。
- The Magnolia biondii Pamp volotile oil nanometer bangosome on ciliary movement were carried out using in vitro and electron microscope technique. 结果纳米辛夷挥发油脂质体对蛙上腭黏膜纤毛的活性影响较低,对大鼠鼻黏膜毒性较小。
- The relationship of Magnolia wufengensis with several other magnolia species in subgenus Yulania, and the taxon status of M. wufengensis were analyzed with AFLP molecular marker. 应用AFLP分子标记技术对红花玉兰与玉兰亚属几个种之间的亲缘关系,以及红花玉兰的分类地位进行了分析。
- It was confirmed that there were 36 species and 3 subspecies of Yulania Spach from Henan, including 13 new species, one new subspecies and 2 subspecies. 主要内容为:基本上查清了河南玉兰属植物共计36种、3亚种(包括13新种、1新亚种和2亚种);
- Magnolia biondii Pamp. 望春花
- In the community, the species of Dalbergia hupeana was dominant, and the percengtage of its important value amounted to 192.4362, Celtis biondii, Acer buergerianum, Lindera glauca, Pinus massoniana and Ailanthus altissima were main concomitant species . 群落物种组成以黄檀为绝对优势种,重要值达192.;4362,紫弹朴(Celtis biondii)、三角枫(Acer buergerianum)、山胡椒(Lindera glauca)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、臭椿(Ailanthus altissima)为主要伴生树种。
- The best technology of extracting process of Magnolian biondii's volatile oil is: Using water vapor distillating method extracting Magnolian biondii powder for 34 hours, extracting rate is about 86%. 辛夷;;追踪;;水蒸气蒸馏法;;工艺学;;中药制药工艺;;分离和提纯;;薄荷脑;;
- Lignans in flower buds of Magnolia biondii 望春花中的木脂素类化学成分研究
- Magnolia biondii Pampan. flower bud 望春玉兰花蕾