- Yukawa势的能级Energy Spectrum of Yukawa Potential
- 用Yukawa状态方程和重整化群理论计算链状流体的汽液相平衡Investigation of the Phase Equilibria for Chain Like Fluids by Yukawa EOS and Renormalization-Group Theory
- 基于密度泛函理论研究二元排斥Yukawa流体的表面结构性质Structures of Binary Hard-core Repulsive Yukawa Mixtures Near Solid Surfaces from DFT
- 克里克,F.H.C.(1916)Francis Harry Compton Crick (1916~)
- 老爷车(1916 年以前的,尤指1905 年以前生产的)veteran car( Brit)car made before 96,esp before1905
- 1916 年4 月2 日空袭警报响彻了整个爱丁堡。On 2 April 1916 air-raid warnings sounded throughout Edinburgh.
- 爱德华 - 希思(1916-),1970年至1974年任英国首相。Edward Heath (1916--), prime minister of Great Britain from 1970 to 1974.
- 结合重整化群 (RenormalizationGroup ,RG)理论和适用于链状流体的Yukawa状态方程 ,研究了 10个非极性链状流体和 6个缔合流体的汽液相平衡和临界性质 .The vapor liquid equilibria and critical properties for 10 non polar chain like fluids and 6 associating fluids are investigated by combining the renormalization group (RG) theory and the Yukawa EOS extended for chain like fluids.
- 史密斯·马修爵士:《费斯洛依街裸像,第1号》(1916)Sir Matthew Smith: Nude, Fiztroy Street, NO.1(1916)
- 结合此状态方程, 重整化群理论(renormalizationgroup theory, RG)和密度泛函理论(density functional theory, DFT), 分别研究了 Yukawa 流体的相平衡和界面张力.The phase equilibrium and the surface tension for Yukawa fluid were studied by combining the EOS, the renormalization group (RG) theory and the density functional theory (DFT).
- 史密斯·马修爵士:《费斯洛依街裸像,第1号》(1916)Sir Matthew Smith: nude, Fiztroy Street, NO.1(1916)
- 新建铁路交付营运里程896公里,电气化1916公里,复线551公里。Newly built railways open to traffic totalled 896 km, electrified railways, 1,916 km, and double-track railways, 551 km.
- 本文以强引力的de Sitter度规和Einstein-Yukawa理论的Reissner-Nordstrom度规为例,讨论了在原子核内或在强子内Dirac粒子的真空禁带能隙,结果表明,在强引力下,粒子的真空能隙形成一个势阱.In this paper, we discussed the vacuum gap of Dirac particle in the interior of a atomic nucleus and of a hadron. Results of the calculating showed that the vacuum gap is as a potential well, whether in de Sitter metric for the case of strong gravity, or in Reissner-Nordstrom metric for the case of yukawa field.
- K戴维·劳合·乔治(1863-1945),英国首相(1916-1922)。David Lloyd George (1863--1945), British prime minister (1916--1922).
- 我们将看到,在这些模型中与第三代夸克和轻子相联系的Yukawa耦合系数比较大,并且能区分。 因此,我们能够通过对极化光子对撞中单个带电Higgs粒子产生几率的测量来验证这些色对称破缺的模型。Most of the underlying theories that describe the EWSB mechanism can be categorized as either a "supersymmetric" (with fundamental Higgs scalars) or a "dynamical" (with composite Higgs scalars) model As we will show, the Yukawa couplings associated with the third family quarks and leptons can be large and distinguishable in these models, so that measuring the single charged scalar production rate in the polarized photon collisions can discriminate these models of flavor symmetry breaking.
- 由于世界大战的爆发,现代奥运会在1916、1940、1944年未能举行。Because of the outbreak of major world wars,the modern Olympics did not hold competitions in 1916,1940,and 1944.
- 梅纽因,叶赫迪生于1916美国小提琴家,被认为是当时伟大的艺术大师之一。Yehudi Menuhin,who was born at 1916,American violinist considered among the great virtuosos of his time.
- ??由于世界大战的爆发,现代奥运会在1916、1940、1944年未能举行。Because of the outbreak of major world wars, the modern Olympics did not hold competitions in 1916, 1940, and 1944.
- 帕特里克·皮尔斯(1879-1916),爱尔兰民族主义领袖,诗人,教育学家。Patrick Pearse (1879?1916), leader of Irish nationalism and Irish poet and educator.
- 梅纽因,叶赫迪生于1916美国小提琴家,被认为是当时伟大的艺术大师之一American violinist considered among the great virtuosos of his time.