- Yueliangbao gold deposit 月亮包金矿
- Laerma gold deposit is a uraniferous gold deposit. 拉尔玛金矿床是一个含铀金矿。
- Based on previous research results and the author's work in recent years,an analysis on the geological characteristics of Zigui Yueliangbao quartz vein gold deposit in Hubei province was carried out. 基于前人大量研究成果及笔者的工作,对湖北秭归月亮包石英脉型金矿床地质特征进行了分析研究,并结合黄陵背斜成矿带地质背景,探讨了月亮包金矿矿床成因。
- The gold telluride deposit is an important type of gold deposit. 金-碲化物型矿床是一种重要的金矿类型。
- The Bayan Bold gold deposit is of porphyry-type related to adakite. 矿床类型属于与埃达克岩有关的斑岩型金矿床。
- Chaoshan gold deposit is directly related to augite diorite. 朝山金矿床与白芒山辉石闪长岩有直接的成因联系。
- The occurrence of gold in a gossan type gold deposit was studied. 红土型金矿床、铁帽型金矿床同属风化淋滤成因的残坡积表生金矿床。
- The Haigou gold deposit belongs to u ranium-gold deposit relat... 成矿水为岩浆水和大气降水的混合,成矿热源为燕山期花岗闪长岩。
- Ajialongwa deposit is an epithermal fine-disseminated gold deposit. 阿加隆洼金矿矿床为浅成低温微细浸染型金矿。
- Qiyugou gold deposit is located inYanshanian hydrothermal breccia-related pipe. 祁雨沟金矿床产于燕山期热液角砾岩筒内。
- These valleys contain gold deposits. 这些山谷里有金矿。
- Both lateritic gold deposit and gossan gold deposit are of wearthering origin. 红土型金矿床、铁帽型金矿床同属风化淋滤成因的残坡积表生金矿床。
- Xindian gold deposit is a post-magmatic hydrothermal type of gold deposit. 新甸金矿床属于岩浆期后热液型矿床。
- Primordial ore in the Jianchaling gold deposit is micrograin-disseminated type. 煎茶岭金矿原生矿为微细浸染型金矿。
- It is considered that the gold deposit belongs to stratabound depo... 初步认为该矿床属层控型金矿床。
- Jinjiawu gold deposit is controlled by the beded brittle-ductile shear zone. 摘要金家坞金矿受控于一条顺层脆-韧性剪切带。
- The ore-controlling conditions and metallogenic model of Hanshan gold deposit in North Qilian Mts. 甘肃北祁连山寒山金矿床控矿条件与成矿模式。
- Study of genetic relationshipbetween dikes and gold orebodies in Kubusu gold deposit in east Junggar. 东准噶尔库布苏金矿床岩脉与金矿成因关系的研究。
- Research on the origin ofore-forming fluid at Qiaogashan gold deposit, Xinjiang. 新疆乔尕山金矿床成矿流体来源研究。
- Xianjin chang gold deposit occuring in Archaeozoic charnohite and tonalite is near Zhuang xianghu quartz-diorite stock, which is Mesozoic in age. 线金厂金矿床赋存于太古宙紫苏花岗岩、英云闪长岩中,矿床与中生代转湘湖石英闪长岩空间关系密切。