- Yue Fu Poems 乐府
- Yue Fu poems of Han Dynasty 汉乐府诗
- On thoughts and style of Li Bais Yue Fu poetry 试论李白乐府诗歌的思想风格
- Political Partita: Xie Ling-yun's Yue Fu Poetry 政治变奏曲:谢灵运的乐府诗
- literators' Yue- fu Poem in Nanchao 南朝文人乐府诗
- The Rhyme of Han Yue Fu Folk Songs in Jian'an Poetry 建安诗歌中的汉乐府民歌遗韵
- The poem showed great intensity of feeling. 这篇韵文表现出强烈的激情。
- He can fling off a poem in half an hour. 他可以在半小时之内草就一首诗。
- She improvised a poem at the evening party. 她在晚会上现编了一首诗。
- A Discussion on the Time When Bei Ju -yi Composed His"After Reading Zhang Ji's Ancient Poems gu yue fu 白居易《读张籍古乐府》作年考辩
- He wrote a poem praising her loveliness. 他写了一首诗赞扬她的美丽。
- The two versions of this poem conflict. 这首诗的两个版本相互矛盾。
- There are four verses in each poem. 每首诗有四个诗节。
- On the Revival of Gorgeous Yue- fu Poems 艳体乐府诗的复兴
- I've never read a more stirring poem. 我从来没有读过比这更激动人心的诗歌。
- Which line comes last in this poem? 这首诗的最后一行是什么?
- Miscellaneous Textual Research on Du Fu'Poems 杜诗杂考
- Folksongs and Ballads in the Style of Yue Fu by the Seven Poets and the Poetic Popularization Move in the Mid of Ming Dynasty 前七子乐府诗制作与明中期的民间化运动
- I want to bring out the meaning of the poem. 我想讲一下这首诗的意义。
- His Chinese kung fu is peerless. 他的中国功夫是无敌的。