- Yuan Dynasty medley operas 元杂剧
- An exceptional Yuan dynasty silversmith. 杰出的银匠朱碧山的作品。
- Then the Mongols established the Yuan dynasty. 以后蒙古人建立元朝。
- Even the emperor of Yuan Dynasty obeys you. 甚至元朝代的皇帝服从你。
- Does Yuan dynasty establish the administering authority ran Islam? 元代设有管理伊斯兰教的官署吗?
- The Yuan Dynasty established its capital in Dadu, now Beijing. 元代建都于大都, 即今之北京。
- "Wotuo money" is a kind of usury described in Zaju of Yuan Dynasty. 摘要斡脱钱就是指元代的高利贷。
- Worship of Mazu reached its acme in the Yuan dynasty. 对妈祖的信仰和崇拜,到元代臻于极盛。
- Was it once dated to be simitar in Yuan dynasty?Now I lose! 啊!!!前一阵子不是有断元代弯刀的吗?这下亏大了!
- Shapotou, said Shatuo ancient times, the Dune of the Yuan Dynasty. 沙坡头,古时称沙陀,元代名沙山。
- Only Yuan Dynasty imperial tombs have not been found. 只有这元朝的皇陵还没有被人发现。
- Yuan Dynasty, Nestorianism main spread in HeXi regine of GanSu. 元朝,也里可温教,主要在甘肃的河西地区传播。
- He is a Ph.D. who specializes in the Northern operas of the Jin and Yuan dynasties. 他是文学博士,专门研究金元北曲。
- Like the acting and singing, the makeup is stylized, inspired by the masks worn by dancers in Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties operas. 和演唱及表演一样,京剧里的化妆也是风格化的。其灵感来源于唐、宋、元代戏剧里的舞蹈者的面具。
- At that time, China was RULED BY THE Yuan Dynasty Emperor, Kublai Khan. 当时元世祖忽必烈汗正统治着中国。
- Zhao Mengfu was a noted calligrapher and painter of China's Yuan Dynasty. 赵孟頫是中国元代的著名书画家。
- It certainly deserves to be a masterpiece of Yuan Dynasty stone carving. 真不愧是元朝石雕艺术的佳作。
- What splendid legacies were bequeathed to Beijing from the Yuan Dynasty? 元朝给北京留下了什么恢弘的遗产?
- The Huihui inherited the voyage technique of Arab and Persian in Yuan Dynasty. 元代回回人继承了唐宋时代阿拉伯、波斯人的航海技术。
- traditional operas of Yuan dynasty 元代戏曲