- Yuan Ming Qing dynasty 七百年
- Most of its Qu"pai aria were folk music which were popular in the north China in the period of Yuan Ming and Qing dynasty. 其曲牌唱腔多是元、明、清时期流行在中原一带的小令俗曲和各地的一些杂曲、小调。
- Is halbert made in Sui Tang period?It is rare in Ming Qing dynasty,but it doesn't appear in Song dynasty. 是不是隋唐时期形制的戟啊?明清时期很少这样的,宋也没有。
- Guildhall is a complicated syntheses,it is one of the important public architecture in Ming Qing dynasty. 会馆建筑是一个复杂的综合体,它作为明清时期一种重要的公共建筑,反映了社会政治、经济、生活、文化等多方面的内容。
- This article analyszes the social change of the Fujiang Region in the Ming Qing dynasty with the case of Huangyao. 本文以府江流域昭平县的黄姚镇为具体个案,分析这一区域在明清时期变迁的过程。
- Thanks for everybody's attention.This Dao is 93cm in full length.The stature is like Japanese Dao,but the fitting has the relique of Ming Qing dynasty. 谢谢大家关注,此刀全长93公分,身材酷似日式刀,但装具均显明清遗风。
- Research on Poetry and Prose in the Yuan Ming and Qing Dynasty 元明清诗文研究
- As one of the important public architecture in Ming Qing dynasty, the guildhall reflected various factors including social politics, economy, life style etc. 它作为明清时期一种重要的公共建筑,反映了社会政治、经济、生活、文化等多方面的内容。
- The exhibition will gather looks after the household the craft, the federation, Czechoslovakia prosperously, to permit the standard, the US sand, Hua, the day Yuan Ming and Qing Dynasties, Mr. 展会将汇聚顾家工艺、联邦、捷隆、允典、美度沙、华诺、天元明清、鲁艺文君、点石、高意等知名品牌。
- I think that as far as the understanding of Chinese ancient weapon and swords in Ming Qing dynasties,it's a bit early to compartmentalize them. 我的感觉是、以现在对中国古兵器的认识水平、对明清刀剑做清晰的化分尚为时过早。
- The People Who Had Immigrated From Outside In Gui Zhou Province in The Yuan Ming Qing Period 元明清时贵州地区的外来移民
- Yuan Ming and Qing Dynasty 元明清
- The Qing Dynasty ceded Hong Kong to Britain. 清王朝把香港割让给了英国。
- Tsinghua University is next to Yuan Ming Yuan Park. 清华大学与圆明园相邻。
- The invaders wantonly set fire to Yuan Ming Yuan. 侵略者恣意妄为, 把圆明园付之一炬。
- There is no doubt that the Qing Dynasty postdates the Ming Dynasty. 毫无疑问,清朝继明朝之后。
- Three: Yuan, Ming dynasty and the first period of Qing dynasty, it is the period that emphasize on water and ink, but color made subsidiarity only. 三、元明时期和清代前期,重水墨,色彩仅仅沦为水墨辅助的时期;
- The teacher told us that the novels of the Ming and Qing Dynasty takes its origin from the script for story-telling in Song and Yuan folk literature. 老师告诉我们,明、清章回小说是宋代话本的变体。
- Later, Jin(gold), Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasty, totally amounting to more than 650 years, all made Beijing as their capital. 以后,金、元、明、清各代都以此地为首都,前后达650多年。
- Xi'an Fang Yuan ming Science and Technology Development Co. 西安方元明科技发展有限公司