- Youth Employment Service 青年就业处
- And the rest of the fellows fell for the Youth Employment Officer's words of wisdom. 然而,其他的同事们却听信了青年就业新闻发布官员的那一番明智的劝告。
- Go to the Interactive Employment Service website! 浏览互动就业服务网站吧!
- Jilin JH Overseas Employment Service Co., Ltd. 吉林省奥尼斯境外就业服务有限公司。
- Shanghai CIIC Overseas Employment Service Co., Ltd. 上海中智境外就业服务有限公司。
- Dalian CAN-DO Overseas Employment Service Co., Ltd. 大连肯能达境外就业服务有限公司。
- Anshan Overseas Employment Service Limited Co. 鞍山市境外就业服务有限公司。
- Adopting active employment service measures. 采取积极主动的就业服务措施。
- Developing the employment service system. 发展就业服务体系。
- The second is to actively promote youth employment probationary bases. 二是积极推进青年就业见习基地建设。
- Resource Serial of Best Practice on Quality Service was compiled to promote and encourage sharing on best practice in the sector, including: Employment Service on Youth. 为推广良好工作手法与界别分享,我们编纂资料文集,促进界内互相学习及彼此支援。
- The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Donald Tsang, announcing the opening of the Youth Employment Workshop. 政务司司长曾荫权宣布青年就业工作坊开幕。
- Zhengzhou Athena Overseas Employment Service Co., Ltd. 郑州典雅境外就业服务有限公司。
- Sichuan GreenBelt Overseas Employment Service Co.Ltd. 四川绿带境外就业服务有限公司。
- Chengdu Golden Ages Overseas Employment Service Co., Ltd. 成都金色年华境外就业服务有限公司。
- Click onto our Interactive Employment Service website! 只要登上劳工处的互动就业服务网站
- Ping'an Shulan City Overseas Employment Service Co., Ltd. 舒兰市平安境外就业服务有限公司。
- Shaan'xi Future Overseas Employment Service Co., Ltd. 陕西前程境外就业服务有限公司。
- Fushun Qianyu Overseas Employment Service Company Ltd. 抚顺乾宇境外就业服务有限公司。
- Fuzhou Cheng An Overseas Employment Service Co., Ltd. 福州诚安境外就业服务有限公司。