- Your home is really cozy. 你的家看起来很温馨。
- Your home is as comfortable as ours . 你们的住房和我们的住房一样舒适。
- Hi, you got a lovely neighborhood. Wow, your home is even lovelier. 嗨!你这儿附近的环境真不错。哇!你家更温馨啊。
- It provides a harmonious and cozy home environment for you, so that you will feel that your home is a pure land which releases pressure and unbinds soul.It lets our lives turn into a tranquil ones. 为您酿造出温馨和谐的家居空间,让家成为释放压力和解放心灵的净土,让我们无处着地的心灵因沉淀而归于平静。
- A fish tape is really a godsend for a wiring project, if you already have finished walls in your home. 一条鱼磁带实在是一个天赐良机;为一个配线工程;如果妳已经完成了围墙;妳的家.
- Discount area rug is really so stylish and attractive looking that you are bound to get compliments from others, when they see these are rungs properly placed at your home. 在您使用舒心的同时,让您花最少的钱!
- Purchase additional insurance if part of your home is used as an office. 若是房屋作为办公室用,则要考虑额外的保险。
- Your home is not far from here. So you needn't have left in such a hurry then. 你家离这儿不远,因此你当时没必要匆匆忙忙的。
- The roof of your home is probably made waterproof by an oil product,bitumen. 你家的屋顶可能是用一种叫沥青的石油产品做成防水的。
- And it is important to wash your hands when someone in your home is sick. 更重要的是如果有人在你家,并且是个病人,那你应该经常洗手.
- The cote of your home is too dirty. Why not make some time to clean it. 你家的畜圈太脏了, 找时间清理一下吧。
- The roof of your home is probably made waterproof by an oil product, bitumen. 你家的屋顶可能是用一种叫沥青的石油产品做成防水的。
- That precious child of hers is really a holy terror. 她那个宝贝孩子真是调皮得要命。
- If your home is too dry, a humidifier can help keep your skin nourished. 如果你家太干燥,较高的湿度可能有助于保持你的肌肤滋润。
- A flood of this sort is really unprecedented. 这样大的洪水真是十年九不遇。
- My home is warm and cozy, just like Noah's ark. 我的家温暖舒适,简直像诺亚方舟。
- The monitor is really a notch above us. 班长确实比我们略胜一筹。
- With thoughtful service and harmonious atmosphere, the nursing home is really the home of the aged. 本老年护理院服务到位,气氛和谐,真正是老人之家。
- It is really a bitter pill to swallow at that time. 在当时,那真是一件不得不忍受的苦事。
- Pass serious disentombing to decorate, my home is really much still went out " a mu 3 minutes " vegetable garden. 经过认真的发掘布置,我家还真多出了“一亩三分”菜园子呢。