- Your deposit is overdrawn. 你的账户透支了。
- Pending. Your deposit is awaiting payout to your E-gold account. 找不到支付按钮,好像是站长自动支付的,已经过时间啦,没一点动静,晕
- Oh, no. My bank account is overdraw. 哦,糟了。我的银行透支了。
- Your deposit is exhausted. 您的存款支完了。
- We regret to inform you that your account is overdrawn. 我们遗憾地通知你,你的账户已透支了。
- This is the receipt for your deposit. 这是存款收据。
- Here is your deposit book and here is your ID. 这是您的存折,这是你的身份证。
- Your deposit matures on April 3rd. 你的存款四月三日到期。
- Oh, no. My bank account is overdrawn. 喔,糟了。我的银行帐户透支了。
- Y our account is overdrawn three hundred dollars. 你的户头已透支三百元。
- Oh,no.My bank account is overdraw. 哦,糟了。我的银行透支了。
- Is overdraw and overblow a skill? 超吸超吹是一种技巧么?
- Oh, no. My bank account is overdraw . 哦,糟了。我的银行透支了。
- How do you like to pay for your deposit? 您要采取什么形式付订金?
- You will lose your deposit if you cancel the order. 如果撤销订单,保证金将不予退还。
- The check got bounced because his account is overdrawn. 因为透支,他的支票被拒付了。
- A 10% deposit is payable in advance. 须预付 10%25 的押金。
- Here are your deposit book and your receipt. 这是存折和收据。
- A returnable deposit is payable on arrival. 抵达时应支付可退还押金。
- If you don't pay, I'll take it out of your deposit. 你再不交,我就要从你的押金里扣了。