- Your car looks rather battered. 你的汽车看上去破破烂烂的.
- Your car looks as if it has been through the wars! 你的汽车看上去好像撞伤似的!
- Your car looks as if it's been in the wars! 你的汽车看来给撞得不成样子了。
- The spoiler on your car looks like it was made by Boeing. 你的扰流器看起来像是波音的产品。
- There are no dents in the body--a respray will make your car look like new. 车身没有什么凹痕,重新喷一次漆就能使您的汽车光亮如新。
- Ever in your car at a stoplight and glance over at the car next to you and everyone in the car looks so happy? 你可曾在车里等红绿灯的时候瞥见旁边车辆里的每个人都很开心?当你疑惑着自己为何会处于现在这种疲乏、不知所措、沮丧的状态时,你是否会感觉到心痛?
- Fillmore, too, looked rather battered, even more disreputable than myself; his big slouch hat was on assways and his overcoat was still full of sawdust from the last joint we had been in. 祭坛上围在牧师身边的是一群小男孩,穿着打扮像上帝的安琪儿,他们唱男高音和女高音。
- What does your car look like? 您的车看起来是什么样子?
- She looks rather curious with green hair. 她头发是绿的,样子有点古怪。
- It can quickly and perfectly remove the pitch and other oil smutch on the surface of car paint, iron and wheels without hurting the surface of paint and glass to make your car looking brand-new. 具有显著的去污、清洁、上光效果,令清洗物恢复亮泽,光洁如新。
- Her new glasses make her look rather owlish. 她戴著新眼镜看上去很文气。
- If you like, I could ask my brother to look at your car. 你要愿望的话,我可以叫我弟弟来给你检查一下汽车。
- Can your car make a hundred miles per hour? 你的汽车一小时能开一百英里吗?
- Are you feeling all right? You look rather pale. 你身体好吗? 你气色不太好。
- High-test gasoline will soup up your car. 你的车子使用高级汽油可以增大马力。
- You look rather shabby in those clothes. 你穿那种衣服显得很蹩脚。
- Does your car battery charged easily? 你那辆汽车的蓄电池容易充电吗?
- Your car is causing an obstruction. 你的汽车挡道了。
- I think grey hair makes you look rather distinguished. 我觉得你灰白的头发使你看上去很有尊严。
- People on the barge looked rather happy. 游船上的人们看上去很高兴。