- Your breathing is low. 你的呼吸音低。
- The government says your breath is destroying the ozone.... 政府通报说你的呼吸破坏了臭氧层。。。。
- The object of roll breathing is to develop full use of your lungs and focus on the rhythm of your breathing. 翻滚呼吸的目标是培养充分利用肺部,以及把注意力放在呼吸节奏上面。
- The trick is to hold your breath while you aim. 窍门就在于瞄准时须屏住呼吸。
- These things make the harp more" efficient" as less of your breath is being wasted. 如果琴格是木制的,潮气会使之膨胀,琴格和簧板会变得更紧密;如果琴格是塑料或者金属制成,你的口水等等也会逐渐密封那些漏气的缝隙。
- You conceive chaff, you give birth to straw; your breath is a fire that consumes you. 你们要怀的是糠秕,要生的是碎秸;你们的气就是吞灭自己的火。
- Observe if your breathing is short, shallow and stressed or calm, deep and relaxed.Bring a relaxed rhythm back into your breath. 留意一下你的呼吸是短促的、浮浅的和紧张的还是平静的、深沉的和放松的,将一种放松的节奏带回到你的呼吸中。
- You don't study hard, but you want to become a graduate student. Don't hold your breath is the only word I can tell you. 你学习不努力,却想成为一名研究生。我只能说:不要抱太大希望。
- You feel a sense of grandness and awe, your breath is coming in short tight gasps from witnessing this alien phenomenon as it starts to overwhelm you. 你感受到一股强大与敬畏的力量,你的气息因为目睹了这一切异世界的现象逐渐紧促,感觉被这一切淹没。
- Our breath is misting up the car windows. 我们呼出的气渐渐给汽车的窗户上蒙上一层水蒸气。
- Your breathing is very rapid. 你的呼吸很快。
- Shadows are longer when the sun is low in the sky. 太阳很低时,物体的影子就很长。
- Housework is low on her list of priorities. 在她那些非做不可的事情中,家务活并不重要。
- Bad breath is guaranteed to turn a woman off! 有口臭管保让女子兴趣顿失!
- If you run very fast, you may lose your breath. 如果你跑得很快,你可能会喘不过气来。
- If you think your income is low, how about hers? 如果你认为你的收入低,那么她的呢?
- Don't waste your breath trying to persuade him. 别白费口舌去劝他了。
- I catch colds frequently because my resistance is low. 我经常得感冒,因为我抵抗力差。
- There is no need to change your breath. 没有必要改变你的呼吸。
- How long can you hold your breath for? 你能屏住呼吸多久?