- Young rural Laborers 云南农村青年
- Study on Surplus Rural Labor Moving. 农村富余劳动力转移就业研究;
- These enterprises provide employment to 50 million rural laborers. 这些企业为5000万农村劳动力提供了就业机会。
- There are many homeward-bound rural laborers and students. 这趟火车上,有很多返乡民工和学生。
- The Urban rural labor is an especial colony in cities. 农民工是城市中的一个特殊群体。
- The first is to encourage the rural labor force to find work locally. 一是促进农村劳动力在当地就业。
- The second is to guide the rural labor force to find employment in other areas. 二是,引导农村劳动力跨地区流动就业。
- A lot of rural labor will migrate to urban or other higher income regiones... 未来大批农村劳动力仍将向本省的城镇地区和收入较高的外省市流动。
- One noticeable phenomenon of social changes in China today is the "Migrant Tide" signified by the young rural adults' working movement to cities. 摘要以“民工潮”为表征的大规模乡城人口流动是当代中国社会变迁过程中引人注目的一大现象。
- The main body of building a new countryside is morden farmers.We must rely on the high quality of the rural laborers. 建设社会主义新农村,其主体是现代农民,必须依靠高素质的广大农村劳动者。
- Efforts should be made to create more production and employment channels for rural laborers. 要为农村劳动力开辟更多的生产门路和就业门路。
- They have argued that China’s economy is still not robust enough to absorb hundreds of milli** of rural laborers full time. 他们争辩道,中国的经济还没有强大到可以吸收数以亿计的农村劳动力。
- In the 21st century, the Taiping drum Lanzhou survival is facing an unprecedented crisis, a large number of activities to reduce the number of young rural "good" if not before more. 进入21世纪以来,兰州太平鼓的生存面临着前所未有的危机,活动人数大量减少,年轻的乡村“好家”也不如以前多了。
- Such sentiments are common in China, where rural laborers are often viewed as workhorses capable of enduring enormous hardship. 这种看法在中国很普遍,中国农村劳工往往被视为非常刻苦耐劳的苦力。
- In 1992,employed females made up 72.33 percent of all women over 15,and in the countryside,women laborers made up half the rural labor force. 1992年女性从业人口占女性15岁以上人口的72.;33%25;在乡村仅占一半。
- Of the 450 million rural laborers in China,320 million,or 71 percent,are engaged in agricultural production,of whom,210 million are women,making up 65.6 percent of the total. 在中国4.;5亿农村劳动力中,从事农业生产的有3
- Sixth,we provided guidance to ensure a proper and orderly movement of rural labor. 六是引导农村劳动力合理有序流动。
- Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment. 少女以前要上仪态课。
- Surplus rural labor moving to non-agricultural industries and to cities and towns is an inevitable trend in industrialization and modernization. 农村富余劳动力向非农产业和城镇转移,是工业化和现代化的必然趋势。
- Chapter five: suggestions and strategies about the acceleration of surplus rural labor migration in Herman Province. 第五章:加快河南省农村剩余劳动力转移的途径和对策建议。