- Put your hand up if you want to ask a question. 若要提问题就把手举起来。
- Take heed of what he says, if you want to succeed. 假如你想成功,就得留意他说的话。
- I know you want to angle for compliments. 我知道你想取得别人的赞扬。
- If you want to drive fast, use the outside lane. 如果你要开快车,请用外车道。
- If you want to go anywhere else, let me know. 你要到别的地方去,就要告诉我。
- If you want to make money, buy cheap and sell dear. 要想赚钱就得贱买贵卖。
- Do you want to leave word with me that you call? 你想留话让我转达吗,就说你打过电话了?
- If you want to go by bus, that suits me fine. 你要是想坐公共汽车去,那对我很方便。
- How much do you want to deposit with us? 您想在我们这儿存多少?
- Book early if you want to be sure of a seat. 要想十拿九稳有个座位,那就早订座。
- If you want to be anybody, you must work hard. 如果你想成为名人,你得努力学习。
- Do you want to be a looker-on all the time? 你想总是当旁观者吗?
- Turf the cat out if you want to sit in the chair. 你要想坐那把椅子,就把猫赶走。
- It's guaranteed to rain when you want to go out. 你想出门,天准下雨。
- You can't be too dewy-eyed if you want to succeed. 要成功就不能太天真。
- Do you want to renew our contract? 你想续订我们的合同吗?
- Select the drive in which you want to store the document. 选择想把文件存储在其中的驱动器。
- You'll have to make it snappy if you want to come too. 你也想来的话就得快点儿。
- If you want to be successful you must roll up your sleeves. 如果你想成功,你必须准备做艰苦的工作。
- If you want to make money you've got to think money. 你要是想赚钱,脑子里就得想著钱。