- You still are our pride. 你依然是我们的骄傲.
- You still are blind if you see the winding road. 你依旧是瞎的,如果你看见转弯。
- So much the worse for you if you still are absent from class. 如果你继续逃课的话,就对你更不利了。
- Besides joint strip gally we you still are met what! 除了贴条儿吓唬我们你们还会什么!
- You still are in the world, or already demit open world? 你尚在人间,抑或已辞阳世?我心儿破碎,朝夕唤卿归。
- Am I maiden why can you still be pregnant? 我是处女为什么还会怀孕?
- Besides joint strip gally we you still are met what!Bovine B you tow away! 除了贴条儿恐吓我们你们还会什么!
- If we buy a new car, it will eventually go from being our pride and joy to being a scruffy set of wheels with an irritating rattle. 比如说你买了辆新车,这个曾经一度带给你骄傲和快乐的宝贝最终在你眼中会变成一堆破旧轮胎外加发出阵阵怪声的废铜烂铁。
- Will you still be sending me a valentine? Birthday greetings bottle of wine. 你是否还经常送卡片给我,并在我生日时弄一壶葡萄酒给我喝。
- So if you become a samurai designer, could you still be a code ninja? 只要能引人注目、耸人听闻,设计武士或程式忍者,其实都无所谓。
- Will you still be sending me a Valentine,birthday greetings, bottle of wine? 你仍然还会送我情人节礼物,生日问候,和葡萄酒吗?
- How could you still be puzzled! When will you be totally enlightened? 怎么还想不通,你要到啥时候才能大彻大悟呢?
- It's our pride (that) you're satisfied. 服务传统,以您为尊。
- It's our pride (that) you're satisfied?. 服务传统,以您为尊。
- Susannah: If we'd had a child or if I were pregnant, would you still be going? 苏珊那:如果我们有孩子或者我怀孕了,你还是会走吗?
- The growth and income you will be our greatest happiness and pride. 你的成长与收益将是我们最最大的快乐与骄傲。
- Susannah:If we'd had a child, or if I were pregnant, would you still be going? 苏珊娜:要是有了孩子,或是怀了孕,你还走吗?
- The guest speaker will be our old friend John Lewis. 特邀演讲者将是我们的老朋友约翰。路易斯。
- To Lorraine Even the sun sets, Our warmth holds you from fear.Even the rain stops, Drippings still are our tears.Even the insets sigh no more, The angel still sings by here. 致洛兰 黑夜降临; 不用害怕; 温暖总会把你抱紧.;雨会暂停;泪不会停;那戚沥的声音煞是好听