- You shall see a monstrous pretty girl. 您会看到一个非常漂亮的姑娘。
- I promise you shall see them again before long. 我保证不久你就会见到他们。
- You shall see my gardens hereabout. 你可以在附近看看我的花园。
- I promise you shall see the movie star soon. 我保证你很快就能见到那位影。
- You shall see greater things than that. 你还会看到比这更大的奇事呢。
- I promise you shall see her again before long. 我向你保证,你不久会再见到她。(允诺)
- War is nasty business, as you shall see. 战争是肮脏的勾当,就像你将要看到的那样。
- Nay you shall see a bold fellow,many times,do Mohammed's miracle. 真的,你可以看到许多大胆的人们屡次实行谟罕默德底奇迹。
- Nay you shall see a bold fellow, many times, do Mohammed's miracle. 真的,你可以看到许多大胆的人们屡次实行谟罕默德底奇迹。
- You shall see the difference now that we are back again! 如今我们回来了,你们请看,便不同了!
- Well look at your human justice systems, and you shall see why. 好,看向你们人类的司法系统,你将看到为什么。
- It's as fine a fat thriving child as you shall see in a summer's day. 那是你难得一见的胖娃儿。
- You shall see that I will not impose upon you, or offer anything that is unkind to you. 你要知道我绝不欺骗你,或者提出对不住你的要求。
- You shall see how to put to work many of the tools we have introduced in this article. 您会看到如何让本文中介绍的许多工具发挥作用。
- A man shall see faces, that if you examine them part by part, you shall find never a good; and yet altogether do well. 人面如逐部细察,往往一无是处,观其整体则光彩夺目。
- "Tomorrow you shall see that with your own eyes"Tomorrow come never"muttered the coxswain. “明天你会亲眼看到的。”“永远会不会有那一天!”艇长喃喃地说。
- When you thank God, you shall see miraculous provision, healing and deliverance. And the resurrected life will hit you! 当你感谢神时,你应当看见一切神迹的供应,得着医治及释放。而且复活的生命将会触摸到你。
- But we'll call at the Court in a day or two, and you shall see the baronet and his pretty young wife. 不过一两天内我们就要到庄院府邸去拜访了,你就会看见从男爵和他的俊俏的年轻妻子的。”
- "Tomorrow you shall see that with your own eyes." "Tomorrow come never!" muttered the coxswain. “明天你会亲眼看到的。”“永远会不会有那一天!”艇长喃喃地说。
- Of course, you shall put your best foot forward. 你当然应该尽量给人留下个好印象。