- You need to move back. 你要后退一些。
- The machine feeds back everything you need to know. 这架机器可以把你所需要知道的全部材料再提供出来。
- You need to filter the drinking water. 你需要把饮用水过滤。
- You need to put more zing into your playing. 你在这一活动中需要再增加些干劲。
- You need to be tough to survive in the jungle. 要在丛林中活下来就要有坚忍不拔的意志。
- You need to do is quickly slip back end. 你要做的是快速的滑到终点。
- You're getting a bit plump you need to diet! 你有点发胖了--得节食了!
- To move ahead in your career, you need to draw more upon your brains than upon your body. 要在事业上出人头地,与其挖掘自己的体力,不如挖掘自己的脑力。
- You need to think twice of the matter. 这事你要三思。
- For sure you will make mistakes, and you need to be prepared to take that risk to move on this journey. 当然有机会你会错误,而在这旅途中你需要预备去冒这个险。
- You need to use ordinal numbers here. 这里需要用序数。
- If you need to move into another lane, first look to see that it is safe to do so, remembering to use the mirror. 如驾驶人必须转驶至另一条行车,首先须留意这样做是否安全,并须紧记要用倒后镜观察后方。
- You need to make an according decision. 你需要做一个相应的决定。
- You need to move past the basics to achieve greater success, improve profits, and grow your business. 您需要超越平凡,实现更大的成功、提高利润和发展业务。
- I think you need to see a doctor for your backache. 我想你的腰痛需要看医生。
- You need to tell your adult children to move out because they're eating you out of house and home. 你要叫你已经成年的孩子们搬出去,因为他们能把给你吃穷了。
- You need to put the highlight in now. 现在你需要把强光部分画出来。
- I don't think you need to worry about this. 我认为你不必为这事担心。
- All you need to do is use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the place you want to add something and type it. 你只要用箭头健把光标移到你想补充内容的地方,然后打字输入。
- Impatience is a trap for many of you because you feel you need to move somewhere. 至于多数的圈套是你们的不耐烦,因为你们感觉你们需要移到某处。