- You need some conviction only 你只需要一点信念
- You need some gargle to relieve your sore throat. 你需要些含漱剂来治你的喉痛。
- Do you need some help with those bags? Here, let me take the two large ones. 你需要帮忙拿些袋子吗?这样吧,我替你拿那两个大的。
- You look like you need some help to lift the box. 看来,你需要人帮忙抬起这只箱子。
- You need some specialist advice. 你需要咨询专业人士。
- I quite understand that you need some time alone. 我很理解你需要独自静一会。
- You need some rest to help you get better quickly. 需要多休息, 好让你很快恢复。
- Don't you know you need some time. 你是否知道你也需要时间,一个人的时间。
- You need some area on which you want to plot. 您还需要进行绘图的地方。
- You need some more practice with these words. 这些词你还需要多多练习。
- Ooh, don't you know you need some time all alone. 哦,你是不是需要些时间完全独处。
- Do you need some absorbent cotton? 您是否需要一些药棉呢?
- You need some more practice with the text. 你需要把这篇课文多练几遍。
- Surely you need some help with so much work. 这么些活儿, 得有个人帮帮你吧?
- Fifi: I think you need some whitening complex. 我想你应该需要一些美白系列产品喔!
- If you need some more long sleep.... 如果您需要更多的长期睡眠....
- Aha, you need some help with it? 啊哈,要帮什么忙吗?
- H: Do you need some drink and refreshment? 您要一些饮料和点心吗?
- Do you need some pickles? No. This is good enough. 你需不需要一些腌黄瓜啊?不用了;这样就够好了.
- And if you need some more money? 如果你需要更多的钱呢?