- You must write legibly. 你必须写得字迹清楚。
- You must write to the Ministry of Health. 你必须给卫生部写信。
- You must write to the Ministry of Health . 你必须给卫生部写信。
- And you must write me and tell me the outcome. 你得给我写信,告诉我你的结局如何。
- When in exam, you must write in ink. 考试时你必须用墨水写。
- Now you must write the directions for each part. 现在你必须写出每一部分的说明。
- Yes, but you must write the full name of the legal person. 可以,请将法人代表姓各写全。
- You must write and compile your own method to test the evaluator. 您必须编写并编译自己的方法来测试计算器。
- You must write code to fill the generated controls with data. 必须编写代码以使用数据填充生成的控件。
- You must write to your uncle and thank him for his nice present. 你必须给你叔叔写信并感谢他给你的很好的礼物。
- You needn't type your essays but you must write legi- bly. 大学教师:你们不必把文章用打字机打出来,但必须字迹清楚。其他表示外界权威的形式
- You must write a copy every morning to improve your penmanship. 你必须每天早上临一张帖,以改进你的书法。
- If you want to borrow some money, you must write an IOU first. 如果你想借钱,首先得写一张借条。
- Because you must write many personal things on the website. 因为你必须在网站上写一些你个人的东西。
- You must write a formal acceptance to this invitation. 你必须写个正式的收条回复这次邀请。
- You must write down the birthdays of each boy or girl. 你必须写出每个男孩或女孩的生日。
- To clear an IFR bit, you must write a one to it, not a zero. 明明如果要清除某个中断请求的话要把相应的IFR位置为0,怎么能是置1呢?
- You must write her about the girl you met in Bern who resembles her. 你一定要写信告诉她你在伯尔尼碰见一个长得象她的姑娘。
- You must write code in this procedure for your service to perform useful work. 必须在此过程中为服务编写代码以执行有用的工作。
- You must write out the name of the registry hive; you cannot use abbreviations. 必须写出注册表配置单元的全称,不能使用缩写。