- You may well be right; I am not in a position either to refute or to verify them. 你们或会认为这些印象不正确,但即使这样,我亦无从可以驳斥或验证。
- You may well be right. 很可能是你对。
- You might well be right. 你很可能是对的。
- So you may well be wondering at this point, what if the form is dependent on these events? 这时,您可能要问,如果表单要依靠这些事件,该怎么办?
- Freedom House may well be right that democracy is on the back foot right now.In the longer run, its appeal is undiminished. 自由之家也许是正确的,民主正在回归,长期来看,它的吸引力不会减弱。
- At the time, he was dismissed as a maverick, but a quarter of a century later, even the medical establishment is prepared to admit that he may well be right. 当时他被认为是标新立异,然而 25年以后,就连医学界也不得不承认他可能是对的。
- The acting official in charge of the C.D.C. insists that the absence of top leadership has not affected how the health agencies have responded, and he may well be right. 疾病控制和预防中心的代理官员坚称,顶级领导层的缺席不会影响卫生机构的反应,他很可能是对的。
- It may well be that the train is delayed. 很有可能火车晚点了。
- You may well get angry with him. 你大可对他发脾气。
- While you may be right, I can’t altogether agree. 尽管你可能是对的,但我不能完全同意。
- He may well be right to think that the Wunderkind had broken his word not just on public campaign finance but also on several other issues, including holding a series of “town-hall” debates. 麦凯恩对这个神奇小子不满情有可原,后者不但在竞选经费问题上食言,在其他问题上,比如举行市政厅辩论,也出尔反尔。
- Mike: Yeah, you may be right, Amanda. 麦克:对,也许你是对的,阿曼达。
- Some of our research may well be said to have reached advanced levels. 我们有些研究工作确实可说已达到先进水平。
- You may as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb. 一不做二不休。
- You may be right; there's no evidence to the contrary. 你也许是对的,因为没有相反的证据证明你不对。
- I might well do it; a mistake that could easily have ended in disaster; you may well need your umbrella; he could equally well be trying to deceive us. 我肯定可以把它干好;很可能在天灾中被掩盖的人为错误;你很可能需要雨伞;他同样很可能欺骗我们。
- You can tell me what you think, and you may just as well be frank. 你心里想什么就告诉我吧,你还是坦率些好。
- Amanda: You know what? I think you might be right. 你知道是什么吗?我认为这下你做对了。
- That kick-off date may well be apt. 这个启动日是挺应景的。
- It may well be asked,is this a correct stand? 试问这种立场也是正确的吗?