- Hit the ball up a little more, you can make runs. 球再往上打点,你就得分了。
- If you hurry, you can make the next bus. 如果抓紧点,你会赶上下一班公共汽车。
- I hope you can make some concession. 我希望你能做些让步。
- You can profit by making mistakes. 你可以从错误中得到教益。
- I have got a lot of vegetables. You can make free with them. 我已搞到许多蔬菜,你可以随便拿。
- Please inform us what special offer you can make us. 请告贵公司能给多少特价优待。
- You can rely on Jill; she's not given to making mistakes. 你可以相信吉尔,她不会出差错的。
- My credit references will be provided if you can make an initial order. 首次订购时,本人将提供信用照会资料给您。
- Believing you can make a good recovery is half the battle when you're ill. 患病时相信自己很快会康复的,这对治愈很重要。
- You can make shoes from the skins of animals. 你可以用动物的皮做鞋子。
- You can make of your life anything you wish. 你能够随心所欲安排自己的生活。
- You can make extra cash if you act on a hunch. 白羊座:努力工作会带来额外收入。
- Do let me/us know if you can make it. 请通知我(们)您能否到会。
- Do you think you can make it sometime next friday? 你看可以星期五约个时间吗?
- You can make any use of it you like. 你们怎样利用它都行。
- Yes, Virginia, you CAN make a living from trading! 没错!弗吉尼亚,你完全能靠交易谋生!
- If you can make it here,you make it anywhere. 如果你能在这儿做到了;你能在任何地方做到.
- You can make head against their ill look. 你可以不管他们难看的脸色而一意孤行。
- You can make two coats out of this material. 你可以用这块布料做两件外套。
- You can make a dress from this paper pattern. 你可以用这个纸样儿做一套衣服。