- Please drop in any time you are passing this way. 无论何时你路过这儿,请顺便进来坐坐。
- Drop in to see me whenever you are passing. 路过时到舍下玩玩。
- When you are passing away, you're smiling but lookers-on are crying. 你出生的时候,你哭着,周围的人笑着;你逝去的时候,你笑着,而周围的人在哭!
- I called at your office as I was passing, but you were out. 我经过你办公室时进去过,但是你不在。
- I called at your office as I was passing,but you were out. 我经过你办公室时进去过,但是你不在。
- I called at the office as I was passing, but you were out. 我经过你。
- It's all well and good that you are passing English, but what about History. 你的英语考试通过了,真让人高兴,可是历史怎么办?
- What have you been doing with yourselves(= how have you been passing the time)? 你这一向是怎么过的?
- Would you be kind enough to take a message to him? 拜托您捎个信儿给他。
- Remember you are a Chinese wherever you go. 不论你到哪里,记住你是中国人。
- How can you be excused for such a silly reason? 你怎么会因为如此可笑的借口而得到原谅呢?
- Perhaps you would call on my mother while you are passing and tell her I'll see her later this evening. 你路过时,也许你将拜访一下我母亲,告诉她今晚晚些时候我将去看她。
- You are a sucker to believe his stories. 你居然相信他的说法,真是大傻瓜!
- You are fortunate to have such a reasonable father. 你有这样一位通情达理的父亲,真是幸运。
- If you are passing through Shanghai at any time,don't forget to look me up. Here is my address. 你什么时候路过上海的话,别忘了来看我。这是我的地址。
- As you are well aware that a merger is a major turning point. 你很清楚合并是一个重要的转折点。
- If you are passing through Shanghai at any time, don't forget to look me up. Here is my address. 你什么时候路过上海的话,别忘了来看我。这是我的地址。
- In London, you are never far from a Tube station. 在伦敦,地铁站一般只离你几步之遥。
- If you are passing by someone in the hallway, you may want to have your hand brush against him. 如果你在走廊经过某人时,你可以尝试用你的手轻拂他。
- You are a confounded nuisance. Stop pestering me. 你这个可恶的东西。别再缠著我了。