- You are not old enough to sign a contract. 你年龄不够,不能签合同。
- Don't argue with Professor Smith; you are not old enough to cross swords with him. 不要同史密斯教授争了,同他交锋,你还嫩了点。
- You are old enough now to know what is what . 你已经不小了,应该知道好歹了。
- The Beatles, as many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool. 你们这样年纪的人大多还记得披头士乐队吧,他们都是利物浦人。
- You are old enough to be more reasonable. 你这个年龄确实也该懂事了。
- At 14 you aren't old enough to buy alcohol. 你才14岁; 不到买酒的年龄.
- You are not allowed to park here. 此处不准停车。
- You are old enough to tell right from wrong. 你这么大应该能够分辨是非了。
- You are not allowed to smoke here. 这里不许吸烟。
- You are not permitted to smoke here. 此处不许吸烟。
- You are old enough to choose your future. 你长大了,可以选择自己的未来了。
- You are not wholly to blame for the accident. 你不应承担事故的全部责任。
- You are old enough to know better than to steal. 你已经长大了,应该知道不能偷窃。
- We consider that you are not to blame. 我们认为不该责怪你。
- You are not allowed to smoke until after takeoff. 飞机起飞之前你不得抽烟。
- To speak plainly, you are not good enough for her. 说实话,你配不上她。
- You are old enough to be independent of your parents. 你已经大到不必依赖父母的年龄了。
- You are not putting enough back spin on the ball. 你投的球后旋不够。
- You are not putting enough back spin onthe ball. 你投的球后旋不够。
- You are not working hard enough . 你工作得不够努力。