- I told you already, you are among friends there's no need to say sorry. 我跟你说过的,朋友之间你没有必要说对不起。
- If you have a car, you are among the richest 7. 如果你有车,你是7个最富有的人之中的一个。
- We can offer you a 20 percent discount if you are among the first ten customers of the day. 如果您是我们一天中前10位来购物的顾客,我们可以人您打8折。
- I know you are my best friend, rain or shine. 我知道你在任何情况下都是我最好的朋友。
- May I ask if you are fond of traveling by sea? 我可以问一下你是否喜欢海上旅行?
- You are fretting yourself needlessly. 你是在不必要地折磨自己。
- If you steal, you are chargeable with theft. 如果偷窃就可能被控偷窃罪。
- You are just inviting trouble if you do that. 你那么做就是在自找麻烦。
- You are just the person I want to see. 你正是我要见的人。
- I can't read while you are standing in my light. 你挡住了我的光线,我没法看书。
- I can't stop you if you are set on going. 如果你决意要走,我也留不住你。
- Don't bother to dress up come as you are. 用不着穿讲究衣服--就穿平常的衣服来吧。
- I think you are withholding the fact from me. 我知道你对我隐瞒了事实真相。
- I thought I'd call by and see how you are. 我想我会顺便看看你生活得可好。
- Put down whatever you are doing and join the party. 放下你的工作,来参加聚会。
- Please don't chop in as much as you are doing. 请别老是这样没完没了地插话。
- May I be so bold as to ask how old you are? 可否冒昧问一下您多大年纪?
- Honestly! You are always throwing cold water on me. 说实在的!你老是给我泼冷水。
- How can you be so unkind and still call yourself my friend? 你怎么能这么不通人情,还自称是我的朋友?
- You are contravening the regulations. 你违反了规定。