- Yinming of Tibetan Buddhism 藏传因明
- Lhasa is a sacred place of TiBetan Buddhism. 拉萨是西藏佛教的圣地。
- Kage Bo is the peak of Tibetan Buddhism Holy Land pilgrimage. 卡格博峰是藏传佛教的朝觐圣地。
- Kage Bo is the peak of Tibetan Buddhism's holy pilgrimage. 卡格博峰是藏传佛教的朝觐圣地。
- Sakya-One of the four main schools of Tibetan Buddhism. 萨迦。西藏佛教的四大派之一。
- Gannan areas is the oldest temple of a monastery of Tibetan Buddhism. 是甘南地区是寺历史最长的一座藏传佛教寺院。
- The majority of Tibetans believe in Tibetan Buddhism. 西藏大多数人信奉藏传佛教。
- The Dalai Lama and the Bainqen Lama are the two leading incarnation hierarchies of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. 达赖喇嘛和班禅喇嘛,两大活佛属于藏传佛教格鲁派是两个领导派化身。
- Are very common religious objects in monastery or other places of Tibetan Buddhism. 在藏传佛教的寺院或供佛的地方都会看到它。
- Religious and non-religious people, and the different sects of Tibetan Buddhism, in harmonious coexistence, also have mutual respect for each other. 信教和不信教群众、藏传佛教的各个教派都相互尊重,和睦相处。
- At fourteen, he went to Lhasa and studied under masters and scholars of all schools of Tibetan Buddhism. 十四岁时,他到拉萨许多上师和阿?黎座下学习藏传佛法。
- Temple economy is outcome of Tibetan Buddhism temple,its production and development has direct relation with temple. 寺院经济是藏传佛教寺院在藏区发展的产物。
- Yuet Ling Monastery in Chifeng City Kala Qin flag Geumsan town, is one of Tibetan Buddhism temples. 灵悦寺位于赤峰市喀喇沁旗锦山镇内,是一座藏传佛教的寺庙。
- Temples for the Amdo region, one of Tibetan Buddhism temple, building momentum Wang-hung, resplendent. 这座佛阁为安多地区藏传佛教名刹之一,建筑气势雄宏,金碧辉煌。
- Langmusi monasteries of Tibetan Buddhism, the early years have been very popular after becoming depressed. 郎木寺是藏传佛教寺院,早年曾盛极一时,后日渐萧条。
- Today, the Potala is a museum, its 1000 rooms containing some of Tibetan Buddhism's most sacred artifacts. 如今,布达拉宫已成为一座博物馆,在1000间房屋里陈列着藏传佛教的众多圣物。
- As a leader of Tibetan Buddhism, the Panchen Lama loves his motherland, hometown and religion. 作为藏传佛教的领袖人物,班禅喇嘛爱国、爱乡、爱教。
- Religious and non-religious people,and the different sects of Tibetan Buddhism,in harmonious coexistence,also have mutual respect for each other. 信教和不信教群众、藏传佛教的各个教派都相互尊重,和睦相处。
- Faithful Debate: At the six hundred year-old Sera Monastery, young monks gather each afternoon to debate the principles of Tibetan Buddhism. 虔诚的辩论:在拥有六百年历史的色拉寺的一个午后,年轻的喇嘛们正聚在一起辩论藏传佛教的基本教义。
- In your discussion explore what each of the themes of Tibetan Buddhism has to do with nature conservation and sustainable development. 在您的讨论当中,探讨每一个藏传佛教主题与自然保护、与可持续发展的关联菩萨心界。