- Yili canton 伊犁州
- New York is a canton of America. 纽约是美国的一个州。
- Last year Canton was visited by the worst drought in60 years. 去年,广州遭到六十年未遇的严重旱灾。
- Rui An Yili Electronic Lock Co., Ltd. 瑞安市以利电子锁具有限公司。
- Canton Fair is famous all around the world. 广交会闻名全世界。
- There is no administrative head in Canton. 广州没有行政首脑。
- They came to Canton on a trading ship. 他们乘商船来到广东。
- Canton cuisine uses a great variety of materials. 粤菜的花样繁多。
- The cities of fourteen canton are so magnificent. 气压江城十四州。
- China and Canton Clutch Co., Ltd. 珠海华粤离合器有限公司。
- We will come to canton fair this April. 今年四月我们将参加广交会。
- I dislike Canton so much, I feel it is troubled! 我不喜欢广州,我觉得那里讨厌!
- Shall we see the sights of Canton? 我们去逛广州好吗?
- I'd like to place an overseas call to Canton. 我要打国际长途到广东。
- Ben: Robert Yili, Stonewall Jackson, Anpramatics Court House. 本:罗伯特伊利,斯通沃尔杰克逊,空气泡沫垫。
- The winter is not warm in Canton. 广州的冬天,其实是不温暖的。
- Good morning! Welcome to Canton Fair! 早上好!欢迎你来到广交会!
- Canton Fair is the showcase of China's opening up. 广交会是中国对外开放的缩影。
- Chashao buns are a treat from Canton. 图8:叉烧包是粤式点心,讲究皮薄、肉多、汁浓。
- SPMs of 24 Yili horses were measured in the Urumchi equestrianism club. 本文采用体尺细分法 ,测定了乌鲁木齐马术俱乐部 2 4匹伊犁马 1 9个细分体尺及 1 0 0 0m速度成绩。