- Yi Guo Die Zhang Ji 异国牒状记
- For more than a thousand years, Zhang Ji's poem about midnight bells has struck a responsive chord deep in the hearts of all his readers. 张继的“夜半钟声”,回响千载。
- With a smile, the abbot took out a tablet rubbing of Zhang Ji's Poem "Mooring by Feng'Qiao at Night."Although nothing more was said, the Japanese monks felt enlightened. 方丈莞尔一笑,拿出寒山寺中张继《枫桥夜泊》诗的碑刻拓片,虽不言语,日本僧人却已顿开茅塞。
- In fact, in real life, "gray space," not only in space on its location, in color, and other areas also have a place, this is a Heichuan Ange Zhang Ji said. 其实,在实际生活中,“灰空间”不光在空间上有它的位置,在颜色等其他方面也有一席之地,这正好暗合了黑川纪章的话。
- Guo Ji Yi Yao Wei Sheng Dao Bao. 2006; 12 (10) : 108?110. 国际医药卫生导报。
- Zhang Ji'Doctrine on Acupuncture and Moxibustion 张机的针灸学说
- Study of Li Qi and Zhang Ji Making Friends 李颀与张垍交游考
- Beijing Jin Guo Yi Kai Investment Consulting Co. 北京锦国怡凯投资顾问有限公司。
- Guo is the bravest policeman I have ever seen. 小郭是我所见到的最勇敢的警察。
- Process Design of Underdrainage Treatment of Zhang Ji Coal Mine 张集矿井下排水处理工艺设计
- A Discussion about the Meaning of "Er" in the Sentence "De He Yi Jun, Er Zheng Yi Guo" "德合一君,而征一国"中"而"字释义商榷
- Every winter some old people die from hypothermia. 每年冬天都有些老人死于体温过低。
- Wang KJ, Chen M, Zhang XF, Shi XT, Qin JJ, Yi XN. 关键词:肝门静脉;
- Yi Zhang and Yi Fen have different meaning. 一张和一份的概念可大不一样。
- Zhang Ji, Han Yu and Bai Ju-yi: Making Friends and Writing Poems In Replies 张籍与韩愈、白居易的交游及唱和
- Little does he care whether we live or die. 他一点也不管我们是死是活。
- Nowadays many people die of cancer. 现在有很多人死于癌症。
- The Comparison between Zhang Lei and Zhang Ji on the Poems of Folk Songs 张耒与张籍乐府诗之比较
- Guo Yi: You know, Okwe, good at chess usually means bad at life. 郭依:你知道吗,欧文,擅长下棋通常意味着不善于生活。