- Yeung Po Kwan 杨宝坤(1939-),英国人,香港教育工作者。
- The industrial estates in Tai Po and Yuen Long are currently full while the one in Tseung Kwan O is half-full. 大埔和元朗工业区的用地已经全部批出,而将军澳工业区亦已批出一半用地。
- The three industrial estates at Tai Po, Yuen Long and Tseung Kwan O provide a total of 214 hectares of land. 三个分别位于大埔、元朗和将军澳的工业恏,合共提供214公顷的用地。
- The three industrial estates at Tai Po,Yuen Long and Tseung Kwan O provide a total of 214 hectares of land. 三个分别位于大埔、元朗和将军澳的工业恏,合共提供214公顷的用地。
- Luk Yeung Galleria - Located in Tsuen Wan. 崇光香港百货有限公司-位于铜锣湾。
- The Hong Kong Industrial Estates Corporation (HKIEC) develops and manages industrial estates at Tai Po, Yuen Long and Tseung Kwan O, providing 214 hectares of land in total. 香港工业园公司负责发展和管理分别位于大埔、元朗及将军澳的工业园,合共提供214公顷用地。
- Yeung Sau Wai was returning to your home? 杨秀惠返去你屋企喎?
- Prof YEUNG Yue-man, S.B.S., J.P. 杨汝万教授; S.;B
- The industrial estates in Tai Po and Yuen Long are practically full and the one in Tseung Kwan O, commissioned in 1994, is almost half full. 大埔和元朗工业恏内的土地差不多全部批出,在一九九四年开始运作的将军澳工业恏亦已批出接近一半的土地。
- The industrial estates in Tai Po and Yuen Long are practically full and the one in Tseung Kwan O,commissioned in 1994,is almost half full. 大埔和元朗工业恏内的土地差不多全部批出,在一九九四年开始运作的将军澳工业恏亦已批出接近一半的土地。
- The final part was the po, or "breakup". 最后部分称"破",
- Captain Kwan continued to explain in earnest. 关机长一脸认真地继续解释。
- A spiritual one hit its target, Po I-po. 精神的糖衣炮弹打中了一个靶子,就是薄一波。
- I would like to bend the rules a little if po ible. 如果可能的话,我是愿意通融一下的。
- On the stage, Eric and Kelvin Kwan played madly. 孙耀威与关楚耀在台上玩到癫。
- But Po I-po is better than Liang Shu-ming. 但薄一波比梁漱溟好。
- Kwan Kin Travel slogan(humorous! 关键旅游口号(超爆笑!
- "Eulogy of Po Yi" was a prose piece written by him. 《伯夷颂》是韩愈所写的一篇散文。
- Special Guest for this episode is Susanna Kwan. 这一集的特别嘉宾是关菊英.
- That was how Po I-po came to make his mistake. 薄一波的错误,就是在这种情况下犯的。