- Yet the yoke remains. 然而那桎梏还是存在。
- His army never came under the yoke of invaders. 他的军队从来不向侵略者屈服。
- The defeated army passed under the yoke. 败军在轭门下通过。
- He had got his neck out of the yoke of matrimony. 他已经摆脱了婚姻的枷锁。
- The country was under the yoke of a dictator. 该国家受到独裁者的控制。
- Outer row of studs secures the yoke to the body. 双头螺栓的外部排列将阀架固定在阀体上。
- Slaves are under the yoke of their masters. 奴隶们受其主人的束缚。
- They threw off the yoke of domination. 他们摆脱了控制。
- Yet the policy of autocratic rule remains unchanged. 可是统制政策依然没有改变。
- Forget not yet the tried intent. 可别忘记我所表示的。
- Yet the bad effect it had on some of us persists. 但它对我们中间某些人产生的不良影响还没有消除。
- Yet the impulse to give up physical commuting remains. 但是,想放弃来回奔波的工作方式的冲动依然存在。
- Yet the state of our Union has never been stronger. 但是,我们联盟国从未像今天这样强大。
- And yet the ex-president's existential predicament remains. 然而,这位前总统现在的处境依旧尴尬。
- Their army was routed and passed under the yoke. 他们的军队溃败投降了。
- Yet the little drow appeared to be unharmed. 现在,小小的卓尔精灵好像毫发无伤。
- They came under the yoke of the English. 他们向英国人低头认输了。
- Yet the EU does face three huge, related problems. 不过,现在有三个重大同时又相互关联的问题摆在欧盟面前。
- Envy is the yoke fellow of eminence. 妒忌是名声的伙计。
- Yet the EU has endorsed the Ahtisaari plan. 尽管如此,欧盟还是同意了阿赫蒂萨里的计划。