- Yet his beginnings were humble. 但是他的出身却是微贱的。
- His beginnings were clear enough: born in Cork, brought up in Soho, undistinguished schooldays, a wartime in the navy. 他的开始简单明了:生在科克市(爱尔兰),长在索哈(伦敦),学生时代普普通通,后又在二战时参加皇家海军。
- Don't be humble or pushy, but show respect for him and his customs. 要不卑不亢,但得尊敬他以及他的习俗。
- Yet his mother answered and said, No, but he shall be called John. 但他母亲说,不可,要叫他约翰。
- The teachings of Confucius tell us to be humble. 孔子教导我们要谦虚。
- The ship's captain was a man of few words, yet his intentions were always perfectly clear. 这条船的船长是个沉默寡言的人,然而他的意图总是绝对清楚的。
- Be humble enough to learn from your mistakes. 要虚心地从自己的错误中学习。
- She must be humble and contrite. 她一定得卑躬屈节,自怨自艾。
- He has yet his way to make in the world. 他还没有成就。
- Think big, act small and be humble. 思想宽容,行为低调,学会谦卑。
- As yet his head was empty of all thoughts. 他这时头脑里还是空洞洞的,什么念头也没有。
- Who seeks wisdom should be humble . 寻求智慧的人应该谦恭。
- Yet his actions belie that agnosticism. 然而他却言行不一。
- To be humble and eager to learn. 像小孩子一样的谦卑好学。
- These nations will be humble and teachable. 这些民是谦卑的也是可教的。
- May I be humble, calm, quiet, unruffled and serene! 愿我能谦卑、宁静、沉著、安详。
- Thus these followers of his begin writing this book. 于是众人开始编著这部书。
- He couldn't even write his name - and yet his progeny were different. 他甚至都不会写他的名字,而他的子孙们就不同了。
- His beginning position was stylized Sicily Defence. 他以西西里防御的程式开局。
- Yet his heart was unyielding and he would not let the people go. 法老的心却是固执,不容百姓去。