- The thrush is a kind of small singing bird. 画眉是一种小鸣禽。
- Yemen Thrushn. 也门鸫
- A condition in horses similar to but more advanced than thrush. 马的疽疡症马的类似于蹄间腐烂但较之更为严重的一种病况
- Urban Roads in Aden of Republic of Yemen. 也门亚丁市内道路工程。
- In Yemen Kat is used daily by 85% of adults. 在也门,85%25的成年人每天都饮用阿拉伯茶。
- Dusky Thrush and Amur Corktree in Nature Ecosystem. 自然生态系统中的斑鸫与黄檗
- How much is shipping to Aden, Yemen? 我必须订购的最少的量或件数是多少?
- Slide 6-2 Here we have another example of thrush. 幻灯6-2这是另一个鹅口疮的例子。
- Thrush, Robert Baldwin, Laurie Blass. 作者声明: Emily A.
- Thrush and wren this message bring. 画眉和鹪鹩带来了的消息,
- Little skill: After Xiu Mei how thrush? 小技巧: 修眉后如何画眉?
- Fungal infections , such as thrush. 病毒感染,例如肝炎。
- A former British colony and protectorate of southern Arabia, part of Southern Yemen(now Yemen) since 1967. 亚丁以前为英国的殖民地及阿拉伯半岛南部的一个保护国,1967年以后是南也门(现也门)的一部分。
- North American thrush noted for its complex and appealing song. 以复杂而吸引人的啼叫闻名的北美洲画眉。
- A send-off scene--personnel of SiWu are leaving for Yemen. 第四物探大队出征也门欢送现场。
- Yemen is one of the least evangelized countries in the world. 叶门是全球最少接触福音的国家之一。
- The Ash Shihr, Yemen Port is located on the Gulf of Aden. 也门AshShihr港位于亚丁湾。
- Adopted in 1990 when the north and south of Yemen unified. 北叶门和南叶门于一九九零年统一时采用这面旗。
- There are thirty thousand feathers on that thrush's throat. 那只画眉鸟的颈前就长着三万根羽毛。
- Mafrag-Mukha Road in Yemen,total lenght of 44km completed in 1981. 也门默夫拉格----莫哈公路,全长44公里,1981年建成。