- Yellow and Yangtse River Soil 土壤
- These Shots are about an abandoned blockhouse which is located nearby the estuary of Huangpu River and Yangtse River. 这一组照片是拍摄于长江和黄浦江交汇的浦东江岸边。这是一个废弃年久的工事。
- Yangtse River and Yellow River represent the spirit of the China. 我们的扬子江、黄河,可以代表我们的民族精神,
- Secretary Municipal Committee of the CPC, Bo Xilai, Mayor Wang Hongyu and BOCOG vice chairman Jiang Xiaoyu attended the starting ceremony.“Lucky clouds” spin the Jialing River and Yangtse River. 市委书记薄熙来,市长王鸿举,北京奥组委执行副主席蒋效愚等出席了今天的起跑仪式。
- The Yellow River is the longest in China next to the Yangtse River. 在中国,黄河是仅次于长江的最长的河。
- The Yangtse River is one of the main arteries of traffic in China. 长江是中国的交通要道之一。
- The Nanjing Yangtse River Brigdge is very grand and magnificent. 南京长江大桥非常雄伟壮丽。
- The burning coals started to flame yellow and orange. 燃烧著的煤开始发出了黄色与橙色的火焰。
- An American variety of apple with red or yellow and red skin. 鲍德温苹果一种美国苹果,果皮呈红色或红黄色
- The Yangtse River and the Yellow River are both symbolic of our nationa spirit. 这两条强大的河流汹涌奔腾着,咆哮着,释放他们不可遏止的强大的力量。。
- This room needs jollying up how about yellow and red wallpaper? 这间屋子需要弄得明快些--来点儿黄色和红色的壁纸怎麽样?
- Yellow and blue blend to make green. 黄色和蓝色相混成绿色。
- The Yangtse River empties into the East Sea. 长江流入东海。
- The nightshade was in its yellow and purple glory. 一片黄色和紫色的龙葵正开得很盛。
- The burning coals had a yellow and orange flame. 燃烧着的煤吐出了黄橙色的火焰。
- Red, yellow and orange are called warm color. 红色,黄色和橙色被叫做暖色。
- The Yangtse River widens out here as the land gets flatter. 随着地势变得平坦,长江在这里也变宽了。
- Orange is a mixture of yellow and red. 橘黄色是黄和红的混合色。
- The Content of Heavy Metals in the Terrestrial Area at the Intersection of Poyanghu Lake and Yangtse River 鄱阳湖与长江交汇区陆域重金属含量研究
- Absorbent and yellow and pourous is he! 黄颜色的他吸收又吐气!