- The main rivers are the middle enemy river stone floorshan xi lu originated from southeast to northwest flow of the Yellow River, on both sides of the tributaries around the County. 主要河流有屈产河,发源于石楼山西麓,从东南向西北流入黄河,两侧支流遍布县境。
- Yellow River Stones 黄河石
- The Yellow River is beginning to run dry. 黄河正在开始变得干涸。
- Karolyn Sherwood G...River Stone Galler... 赫尔辛基艺术设计大...
- Like the Yellow River,time keeps rolling along. 时间像黄河一样不断滚滚奔腾向前。
- The Yellow River seawards flows. 黄河入海流。
- This poem praises the grandeur of the Yellow River. 这首诗歌颂了黄河的伟大气魄。
- Where is the source of the Yellow River? 黄河的发源地在哪儿?
- One battery latch can blow the whole river stone effect. 而一个电池门闩会让河石的效果荡然全无。
- But hears only the Yellow River's roar. 但闻黄河流水鸣溅溅
- Where does the Yellow River take its source? 黄河发源地在哪里?
- In the evening camps on the Yellow River's bank. 暮宿黄河边。
- This small river is a branch of the Yellow River. 这条小河是黄河的支流。
- She has got the Yangtze River and the Yellow river. 她有长江和黄河。
- Lanzhou is situated on the Yellow River. 兰州横跨黄河。
- At dusk she reaches Yellow River shore. 暮宿黄河边
- Many songs praise the Yellow River. 很多歌是赞扬黄河的
- Beijing lies in the north of the Yellow River. 北京在黄河北面
- Peter: By the way, do you know "the Yellow River"? 彼得:顺便问一下,你知道“黄河”吗?