- Yellow Dragon Cave 黄龙洞
- Dragon Cave Cape, a swirling mass of foam and rock. 龙洞怪石磷峋,图中细长的小岬甲,像钓鱼浮标浮在海面。
- Xiao Zhang acting as the tour guide, we visited the White Dragon Cave. 小张当导游,我们参观了白龙洞。
- On the hill top stands the Yellow Dragon Monastery, a Taoist retreat built in the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644). 山谷顶端,残留着一座道教建筑,名叫“黄龙古寺”。
- Now take the dragon cave on Emerald Island as an example, extract d28.dlv form games.lod, open with u-edit. 再拿翡翠岛龙穴作为例子,在games.;lod中导出d28
- The rest of you may leave.’ Rootless, Black Dragon, and Yellow Dragon saluted and left. 无根道人和黑龙使、黄龙使三人行礼退出。
- Of course you can copy the Red Dragon in the Dragon Cave d28.dlv to Emerald Island out01.ddm. 当然,将龙穴d28.;dlv中红龙的数据copy下来复制到翡翠岛out01
- The emphatic win at the Yellow Dragon Stadium in Hangzhou was a carnival close to United's Asis Tour. 在黄龙体育场的狂胜给曼联的亚洲巡回赛收了个好尾。
- Control of Asian citrus psyllid is the most important component of an integrated control program for huang long bing (yellow dragon disease) of citrus. 摘要控制柑桔木虱是黄龙病综合防治最重要的措施。
- The scenic sights in the southern section such as White Dragon Cave, the General's Bridge and Immortal Liu's Rock group around Nanxi (South Stream) Park. 南区以南溪公园为中心,有白龙洞、将军桥、刘仙岩等名胜;
- Green, yellow dragon with a long and hence the sound of the gongs and drums dancing, flying up and down,huang ruo heaven, singing popular rough,ji feng zhou yu momentum. 青、黄巨龙长而不拙,在锣鼓声中翩翩起舞,上下翻飞,恍若从天而降,歌声火爆粗犷,气势如急风骤雨。
- Black Dragon flew to the north, Long Dragon flew to the west, Pearl Dragon flew to the southernmost tip of China, and Yellow Dragon flew to the very center of the vast country. 黑龙飞向了北面,长龙飞去了西面,珠龙飞去了中国的最南端,而黄龙则飞去了这个广博国度的最核心。
- Yellow Dragon Garden, Green Garden: Located in Yellow Dragon district, around World trading center, Zhe Jiang University, Yellow dragon gymnasium, this district is the political, education and trading center of Hangzhou. 黄龙雅苑。绿园:地处杭州的黄龙版块,周边有世贸中心,浙江大学,黄龙体育馆,是杭州政治,教育,贸易,最为集中的地块。
- Even when points are at stake, the Bulgarian seldom looks enthused but here in the Yellow Dragon Stadium he unveiled an array of touches that left a game but sometimes shambolic Greentown bemused. 即便比赛没有悬念,保加利亚前锋还是踢得很随意,但在黄龙体育场他的几次处理球还是让绿城无可奈何。
- One of Sichuan‘s finest spots is Huanglong (Yellow Dragon),which lies in Songpan Mountain.? It has lush green forests, filled with fragrant flowers, bubbling streams and songbirds. 在四川西部,有一处美妙的去处。它背依岷山主峰雪宝顶,树木苍翠,花香袭人,鸟声婉转,流水潺潺。它就是松潘县的黄龙。
- Hangzhou Yellow Dragon Hotel Fitness Center 黄龙饭店健身中心
- Spring Bubbling from the Mouth of the Yellow Dragon 黄龙吐翠
- A hermit used to live in the cave. 一位隐士曾经住在那个山洞里。
- We kindled a firebrand in the cave. 我们在山洞里点燃火把。
- A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave. 一只老鼠从黑暗的洞口跑出。