- Before Yao Shun era, Heren tribe moved to Eshan Mountain, and developed into a great civilized nation. 直到夏代前期,和人部族被迫再次南迁,从此失去了与中原民族和中央政府的联系。
- They shun personal fame and gains. 他们不计个人名利。
- Yao, Shun, and Yu were three sage kings of China's remote past. 尧、、是中国上古时期的三位贤君,后来数千年中的为人臣者无不希望自己侍奉的帝王能像他们一样。
- Had they just been exposed to the strong winds of Yao and Shun? 也不知是否尧舜的雄风刚从那穗尖上吹过?
- Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it. 智者热爱真理,愚者回避真理。
- Legend has it that King Shun had as his surname Yao. 舜帝姓姚,史称“虞舜”。
- After Yao died, Shun became head of the tribal confederation. 尧去世后,舜继承了部落联盟领袖的位置。
- Therefore his throne was steady as the Yao's and Shun's. 所以,他的位子像尧舜一样稳固。
- Yao Shun 姚舜(1919-),台湾人,字兆廷,官员。
- In prehistorical times, Yao, Shun and Yu all set their capital in Shanxi. 上古时代,尧、、都曾在山西境内建都。
- In prehistorical times,Yao,Shun and Yu all set their capital in Shanxi. 上古时代,尧、舜、禹都曾在山西境内建都。
- Materialists face truth, whereas idealists shun it. 唯物主义者面向真理, 唯心主义者则逃避真理。
- Yao Ming is a basketball player. 姚明是一个篮球运动员。
- Unrip the inner bag, take out Jing Yao Gao. 一、将装膏药的内带撕开,从袋内取出金药膏。
- Yao is not a cowboy or a banjo lover. 姚明不是牛仔,也不是乡村歌曲爱好者。
- Yet we don't know how to shun it. 然而我们又不知如何回避它。
- Yao really needs to work on his FTs. 姚明真的需要好好练练罚球。
- In studying a problem, we must shun subjectivity. 研究问题,忌带主观性。
- The Miao-Yao language of the Yao. 苗瑶语瑶族人所说的苗瑶语
- It's a town about 250 kilometers south of Shun de. 那是在顺德以南约二百五十公里的一个镇。