- Yangjie Township 羊街乡
- There are 540 voters in this township. 这个镇区有540个选民。
- The local government of this township has some privilege. 这个镇区的当地政府享有一些特权。
- A representative from the township spoke at the meeting. 一个村代表在会上讲了话。
- I really like this township, where people are friendly. 我很喜欢这个小镇,那里的人都很友好。
- Such township governments are really models. 这样的乡政府,是真正模范的乡政府。
- Is the only ethnic minority township in Huizhou. 是惠州市惟一的少数民族乡。
- Every township has access to telephone lines. 各村都已通了电话.
- Sources: Beijing Bureau for Township Enterprises. 资料来源:北京市乡镇企业局。
- Her land verges on the neighboring township. 她的土地与邻镇相连。
- Liu township coal mine enterprises. 乡镇企业有刘沟煤矿。
- The second landscape, Linhai Township. 第二景观,林海镇。
- Township government clearance in tamarind. 乡政府驻望子关。
- Gaobeidian Township has convenient traffic. 高碑店乡有着便利的交通。
- Township enterprises mainly in smelting industry. 乡镇企业以冶炼业为主。
- Township enterprises and other cast iron products. 乡镇企业产品有生铁等。
- Township iscan yuan gully region of Loess Plateau. 全乡属黄土高原残垣沟壑区。
- The township incorporated three districts. 这个小镇由三个行政区构成。
- Township head: what? Vernon will go? 乡长:什么?仲天骐要走啊?
- Expediting the reform of township enterprises. (6)加快乡镇企业改革。