- Yang Yi also expressed the belief the government of the Hong Kong SAR will continue facilitating friendly relations between the SAR and Taiwan. 杨一还表示,中国政府有信心,香港特别行政区政府会继续推进特别行政区与台湾之间的友好关系。
- Wei Yan is arrogant, intrepid and good at training his troop.But he feuded with Yang Yi who was the important minister of the dynasty of Shu-Han. 魏延为人孤高,善养兵卒,勇猛过人,但是和蜀汉重臣杨仪不和。
- If insists in ten candidates to select is favored most, will compete finally will possibly fall on Yang Yi, Teng Liming and between the Chen farad. 电视剧制作,除了有一批主打明星,也有一批专业的黄金配角。
- There is woman of whorehouse of an old times to state an objective on the balcony of Home Yang Yi " charming chair " , chic modelling lets a reporter think it is a loom. 杨议家的阳台上放着一架旧时青楼女子候客的“娇椅”,别致的造型让记者以为它是架织布机。
- They cross-fertilized and developed with parallel.Therefore,a conclusion can be drawn that the two schools were two isomeric poets,Wang Yu Chen and Yang Yi,pr... 本文试选取王禹偁和杨亿为主要代表,从师法唐人、士人心态、讽喻倾向及诗学传承方面说明白体与西昆体的“同质异构”关系。
- Yang Yi, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council has told a press conference that the referendum is an important step towards de jure independence of Taiwan, promoted by Chen Shuibian. 国台办发言人杨毅告诉媒体说,陈水扁发动的公投是他迈向法理独立的重要步骤。
- Tengzhong Chief Executive Yang Yi has flown to Detroit, where Hummer is headquartered, this week and is likely to be on hand to announce the deal with GM, according to these people. 据知情人士说,腾中重工总经理杨毅本周已经飞往悍马总部所在地底特律,方便届时与通用汽车一道宣布这笔交易。
- I saw Xiao Yang walking by, shouldering two hoes. 我看到小扬扛着两把锄头从旁走过。
- I left all for Xiao Yang to decide. 一切我都让小杨去决定。
- Aile Yi fortune to be scolded, never bloody, nor Tong Yang. 被骂者挨了一掌之后,绝不流血,亦不痛痒。
- Author Yan Yuanfei;Yang Yi;Yin Jianzheng;Chen Boli;Wang Zhengjia.(Qinghua University); 作者严鸢飞;杨毅;印建正;陈伯蠡;王振家;
- Author JIANG Yu ming;YANG Yi;ZHAN Zhi hong;(College of Manufactural Scienee &Enginering;Sichuan University); 作者蒋玉明;杨屹;展之宏;
- Author Yang Yi;Li Changjun;Zhang Hongbing;Liu Enbin (Southwest Petroleum Institute).; 作者杨毅;李长俊;张红兵;刘恩斌;
- Author Liu Enbin;Peng Shanbi;Li Changjun;Yang Yi (Southwest Petroleum Institute).; 作者刘恩斌;彭善碧;李长俊;杨毅;
- Author YANG Yi;LIN Xiaobo;LI Minghui;XU Xiugui (Dept. of Chem. Eng.;Dalian Inst. of Light Ind.;Dalian;116034); 作者杨毅;林晓波;李明慧;徐秀桂;
- Author Yang Yi Fan Xingnan (Kunshan Jinggang Industrial Group;Kunshan 215335); 作者杨毅;范兴男;
- Xiao Yang promised to be a fine fighter. 小杨很可能成为一个优秀的战士。
- Last night we had a telegram from Lao Yang. 昨天夜里我们接到老杨一份电报。
- Story: A mermaid, Yi, came to a city to live. 故事:讲述一人鱼,仪,来到城市生活的故事。
- Please connect me with Mr. Yang. 请帮我接杨先生。