- Equally controversial was Yang Shi siting and construction costs of new buildings such as a series of problems. 同样引发争议的还有央视新大楼的选址以及工程造价等一系列问题。
- It is an important theory of professor Shi Qi to treat cervical spondylosis from arthralgia-syndrome. 从痹论治颈椎病是施杞教授重要学术思想。
- ZHANG Qiaomin, SHI Qi, CHEN Gang, FONG TCW, WONG DC C, HUANG Hui, WANG Hankui, ZHAO Meixia. 张乔民,施祺,陈刚,方静威,黄志俊,黄晖,王汉奎,赵美霞。
- Dear students! For our beautiful futures, Let's streng then our minds,and sail hands in hands in Shi Qi middle school! 同学们,为了我们的明天更美好,让我们携起手来,坚定信念,乘着石齐学校这艘诺亚舟扬帆远航吧!谢谢!
- March 22, this newspaper published a developer to Xian Yang Shi 3.15 nights experts questioned articles, reverberated in the industry. 3月22日,本报刊出西安一开发商对央视3.;15晚会专家的看法提出质疑的文章后,在业界引起很大反响。
- According Sharui briefing, Yang Shi building structure is composed of many of irregular lozenge fish netted a metal scaffold. 据莎瑞介绍,央视大楼的结构是由许多个不规则的菱形渔网状金属脚手架构成的。
- In high mountain scenic spots, secluded valley, Lin Micronesia,shi qi , beautiful natural scenery and human landscape each other and attractive. 景区内山高、谷幽、林密、石奇,优美的自然风景与人文景观交相辉映,引人入胜。
- Tai Shi Qi writing on Cui Shuquan chen the "regicide" of the crime, the results of the two brothers were killed one after another. 齐国太史就因写了权臣崔抒的“弑君”之罪,结果弟兄二人接连被杀。
- The poet has leftliu shi qi "Bamboo Green Path Huangyuan one shady, Tower Campanula days outside on the sound" of the lines. 诗人刘世奇曾留下“竹篁一径绿成荫,塔上风铃天外音”的佳句。
- At the time of Zhuan Xu or Gao Yang Shi, one of the three sovereigns in prehistoric China, Ju Long is an official in charge of land use. After he dies, people continue to cherish his memory, offering sacrifices to him as the God of the Earth. 在颛顼高阳氏时代,句龙担任“土正官”,死后,人们怀念他,尊他为“后土”,“土神”,并祭奠他。
- Hui Yang Shi Wei Ming Arts Manufacture 惠阳市伟明工艺厂
- Dan yang shi xian kang medical equipment factory 丹阳市先康医疗器械厂
- Yang Shi(western style) Buildings 洋式建筑
- SHI QI CHE KE YUN BEI ZHAN ( Beijing LU ) 市汽车客运北站(北京路)
- I saw Xiao Yang walking by, shouldering two hoes. 我看到小扬扛着两把锄头从旁走过。
- Agriculture of Han, Jin and Tang Dynasties (Han jin Tang Shi Qi Nong Ye) 汉晋唐时期农业(上、下卷)
- I left all for Xiao Yang to decide. 一切我都让小杨去决定。
- Author Sha Xueqing Gong Lihong Wang Yanhua Gao Yang Shi Keying(Harbin Normal University); 作者沙雪清;宫丽红;王艳华;高扬;史克英;
- Film critic Sek Kei Shi Qi addressed the issue of dialect cinema as early as 1974 影评人石琪早于1974年已提出了方言电影的问题