- Yaguchi Hajime 矢口新(1913-),日本人,教育学家。
- Here are two examples of the modern pin-upapanese artist Sorayama Hajime. 美国不用说一直就是这方面的先驱,出过不少的大师级人物。
- Hajime in the Xuhui District of Hamamatsu on the road to have a home. 在徐汇区的肇家浜路上有一个。很大的。
- Although he cannot articulate his feelings, Hajime is filled with love for Yoko. 另一方面,肇不知不觉中喜欢了阳子,却无法表达清楚自己的爱意。
- Kora Y, Yaguchi S, Inatomi M, et al. Preferred postoperative refraction after cataract surgery for high myopia[J]. J Cataract Refract Surg,1995,21(1):35-38. 高度轴性近视白内障术后屈光状态与生存质量的关系由800论文网收集整理,转载请注明出处!
- She record began as an experiment by Professor Hajime Minooka of the Nippon Medical University near Tokyo. 她是在为东京附近的日本医科大学的哈吉米 米罗卡教授的所做的试验中开始这一项研究的。
- By the wa ay, Sorayama Hajime's work can also bey found at the Swedish University Network's FTP Archive too. 同样,空山基的作品的存档,仍然可以在瑞典大学网络中心的FTP存档站处找到。
- By the way, Sorayama Hajime's work can also be found at the Swedish University Network's FTP Archive too. 同样,空山基的作品的存档,仍然可以在瑞典大学网络中心的FTP存档站处找到。
- Xiao P,Hajime K,Hideaki K,et al.Lupin alkaloids from seeds of Sophora viciifolia[J].Phytochemistry,1999,50:189. 张兰珍豪佛.;皮
- Hajime Jimbo, “Plasma Melting and Useful Application of Molten Slag”, Waste Management, Vol. 16, 1998, p.417-422. 行政院原子能委员会核能研究所,电浆焚化熔融处理有害废弃物产业化应用与发展,2002/4。
- Hajime Jimbo, Plasma Melting and Useful Application of Molten Slag, Waste Management, Vol. 16, pp.417-422, 1998. 行政院原子能委员会核能研究所,电浆焚化熔融处理有害废弃物产业化应用与发展,2002/4。
- An example of the light novel would be the Slayers novels written by Hajime Kanzaka. 如果只以“动漫风的插图”为依据把空境归类于轻小说的话,这种分类方法未免过于狭隘了。
- Wang Xindong An is a former Pizza Hut manager of the shop assistant, Zhao was head of production, Hajime is a store cashier. 王某是原必胜客新东安店的经理助理,赵某为生产组长,肇某是该店收银员。
- Kawakami Hajime was the person who translated Karl Marx’s Das Kapital into Japanese.In his last years, he lived in seclusion. 摘要 河上肇是中国现代史上最初接受马克思学说的中介者之一。
- Hajime Katorki designed this GM for the Gundam OAV (Original Anime Video) Gundam 0083.It is an advanced version of the Type C GM. 这部吉姆 Custom 出现在机动战士 0083 一片之中,是属于联邦军精锐部队的座驾。
- Hajime no Ippo - The Fighting! - 幕之内一步-格斗赛!
- (Hajime no Ippo - The Fighting!) 第一神拳-格斗赛!
- 15 Kora Y, Yaguchi S, Inatomi M, et al.Preferred postoperative refraction after cataract surgery for high myopia.J Cataract Refract Surg1995; 16王文清;杨冠;宁文捷;等.;高度近视合并白内障超声乳化及负、低度数人工晶状体植入术
- Yaguchi Kōichi 矢口洪一(1920-),日本人,法官。