- Address: Yu Jing Building B 1109-1209, baiyun nan road N.O. 453, Baiyun district Guangzhou City. 公司地址:广州市白云区白云大道南453号逸景居大厦B座1109-1209室.
- It is applicable for surface polishing, semi-polishing and matte polishing process of glaze tile with surface glazing, microlite tile and vitrified tile. 适用于表面施釉烧成的釉面砖、微晶砖、玻化砖、石材的表面抛光和半抛、哑光抛工艺。
- Precede besides the technology, carry Cheng to enclothe countrywide resource and network, far strong Yu Jing contends for adversary. 除了技术领先,携程覆盖全国的资源和网络,远远强于竞争对手。
- This thesis enumerates four types of perfective aspect markers in Bai Yu Jing: perfective adverb, perfective modal particle, perfective verb and perfective auxiliary verb. 摘要《百喻经》是中古时期口语色彩较浓的佛经故事集,其中的完成体标记系统包括4类成员:完成体副词、完成体语气词、完成体动词和完成体助词。
- There are many choices in our integrative PU panels of insulation and decoration, including ultrathin stone series, matel series, tile series. 公司主营产品为聚氨酯保温装饰一体化板材系列,种类有:超薄石材系列保温装饰板、金属饰面系列保温装饰板、玻化砖系列保温装饰板。
- Northern Song Dynasty imperial-woo years (1049-1054) to commemorate the Yongzhou Taishoutaobi Di Qing, Yu Jing, Sun diarrhoea, in this building "three Gongci," after the words "six Gongci. 北宋皇祐年间(1049-1054)邕州太守陶弼为纪念狄青、余靖、孙泻,在此建“三公祠”,后改为“六公祠”。
- PANG Xiu-zhi,YU Jing,LU Hao.Design and realization of full temperature test system for fiber optic IMU with a wide range of speed[J].Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology,2006,14(3):23-26. [6]庞秀枝;余净;鲁浩.;大速率光纤惯性测量装置全温测试系统设计[J]
- The gynoecium is composed of a single carpel. (1) In tile series developmental sections of ovary, the ovular primordium was initiated on the adaxial meristem when tile mouth of ovary was formed. (4)从子房发育过程的切片看,该植物的胚珠是在子房发生后不久发生的,子房上的圆孔形成时,从近轴侧的分生组织发生胚珠原基,由胚珠原基分化出珠被与珠心。
- Bai Yu Jing (the Scripture of One Hundred Parables) 百喻经
- Quality ceramic materials become fewer, vitrified tiles have low whiteness, therefore need new opacifier. 优质的陶瓷原料越来越少,玻化砖的白度较低,因此需寻找新的乳浊剂。
- In modern decorative ceramic, vitrified tiles, especially white vitrified tiles is wide application because of its unique appearance has been widely applied. 在现代陶瓷装饰中玻化砖、尤其是超白玻化砖因其独特的外观有着广泛的应用。
- The company has a processing line imported from Italy which produces 60 series of slats and engineering tiles series. 公司拥有意大利流水线,可加工大板、工程板及60条板系列。
- Series Zhongguo xing zheng qu jing ji yu gai ge cong shu. 中国行政区经济与改革丛书.
- Organizers in activities "for the green into your home" slogan introduced to users at concessionary prices Qianuoer tiles series products. 主办单位在活动中提出“让绿色走入您家中”的口号,以特惠价向用户推出了卡诺尔瓷砖系列产品。
- Currently, the main opacifier is zircon.Zircon crystals which formed in vitrified tiles have different refractive with glass caused light scattering, it makes vitrified tiles whiteness. 目前,玻化砖中乳浊剂主要采用的是锆英石,其增白机理是在玻化砖中形成硅酸锆晶体,利用硅酸锆晶体与玻璃相之间的折射率差使可见光发生散射,从而产生增白效果。
- Please place them in tile right order. 请将它们按顺序排好。
- Zhang Jing Yu, Richland Anbo eyes how a property? 张京钰眼中的安柏?丽晶是怎样一个楼盘?
- Keywords male infertility;Yu Jing Yin;experimental allergic orchitis; 男性不育;育精阴;实验性变态反应性睾丸炎;