- His business seemed to be flourishing. 他的生意似乎很兴隆。
- Can Debenture Market Be Flourishing? 公司债的春天来了?
- Other local agencies seemed to be flourishing. 其他几个本地的代理处生意兴隆。
- Those plants you gave me are flourishing. 你给我的那些植物长得茂盛。
- Interpretation of the statement "When yang qi rises, it will trans-form into the body fluid called sweat. 解读"阳加于阴谓之汗"
- Modern way of life combined with antibiotics and cold medicine abuse, damaged the body's Yang Qi. 现代人生活方式加之抗生素、激素及苦寒药的滥用,极度损伤人体阳气。
- Industry and commerce are flourishing. 工商业很发达。
- Chu Yuan spread to the Northern Song Dynasty (986-1039) subglottic, divided into Yang Qi, Huang Allocation II. 传至北宋楚圆(986-1039)门下,又分为杨歧、黄龙二派。
- Markets are flourishing and prices are stable. 市场繁荣, 物价稳定。
- A man will definitely be wounded internally if the fear and the happy mood shift so as Yin Qi and Yang Qi exchange fiercely in his heart. 一会紧张恐惧,一会儿欢乐庆功。阴阳之气在心中剧烈地交替更易,人也会有内伤。
- Both men and livestock are flourishing. 人畜两旺。
- In this way, I stubbornly raised my head, once again persistence, sway with tears in his eyes, my smile bright flowery bloom, Yang Qi want to fly. 就这样,我倔强地昂起头,再一次执着,挥洒着眼角的泪水,我灿烂的微笑如花绽放,漾起希望在飞扬。
- Culture and art was flourishing. 文化艺术繁荣活跃。
- People should be mentally easeful, broad-minded and optimistic so that the yang qi inside the body and the outside environmental changes maintained. 做到心情舒畅,心胸开阔,情绪乐观,使体内阳气得以疏发,保持与外界环境变化的协调和谐。
- The plants in the garden are flourishing. 繁荣的;欣欣向荣的;
- The king of Qi was released and pleased with Chunyu Kun. 齐威王松了一口气,十分满意淳于髡的表现,并决定设宴为他庆功。
- I used to see three films a week in the golden days when cinemas were flourishing. 在过去电影业处于旺盛时期,我一个星期看3部片子。
- Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate. 在目前的经济气候下,很少有企业兴旺发达。
- The reform and development in college PE in institutions of higher learning demand that the traditional PE instructive thinking be revolutionized or "yang qi" as called in philosophy. 为了适应高校体育改革与发展的需要,就必然要对传统的体育教学指导思想、指导方法、指导内容体系等进行“扬弃”。
- But business ties are flourishing despite the political rift. 虽然海峡两岸的政治关系目前依然紧张,但是双方的商业往来却日渐繁荣。