- Xiyuanlu by Song Ci 洗冤集录(洗冤录)
- Accordingly, song Ci is right of sword-leaved cymbidium outside pass made graven history contribute. 因此,宋慈对建兰的外传做出了不可磨灭的历史贡献。
- He has done some research on Chinese traditional styles of writing and likes Song ci best. 他对诗词歌赋有一定的研究,尤其钟爱宋词。
- As for the traditional national culture, I wonder which poetry writing you are the best at, the Tang poem, the Song ci or the Yuan Qu. 丙:说到传统民族文化,我倒想问问你,在我们所学的唐诗、词、曲中你对哪种最拿手啊?
- In this golden season of the season, people tighten their purse finally dare to a song by song. 在这个旺季的黄金季节,人们勒紧的钱包终于敢松一松了。
- The perceptive mind with self-mood as aesthetic object and poetry ci's singing way of transmission enlarges Song ci poetry ideorealm with a moving charm. 以自身心绪作为审美对象的极具感性色彩的心态世界和词的传播演唱方式,使宋词形成了狭媚幽深的境界,获得了动人的魅力。
- In the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty,LvYi-Hao became Prime minister,through calming down mutiny, appreciated by Song GaoZong. 南宋初年,通过积极参与平定苗、刘兵变,吕颐浩为宋高宗所赏识,并因此登上相位。
- It turns out that Sun Jie and Sun Min's father Sun Nan Hai is a conman and Sun Jie has been trained to steal since young.He is subsequently adopted by Song Nian. 原来孙捷和孙敏的父亲孙南海是个老千,孙捷很小就开始偷窃生涯,后被松年收为义子。
- Sound symbolism in Song Ci. 宋词语音象征现象研究。
- They also adopted tunes of folk ditty and imperial music of the Tang and Song Dynasties, and all had relationship with the ci tune of Song ci, which provides the new material for the research of Chinese musical and literary history. 此外它们的曲调还有来自唱赚、代教坊曲和唐宋大曲的,而且皆与宋词词调有密切的关系,有的可补宋词词调之阙,为研究中国音乐文学史提供了新的资料。
- Compared with Tang poetry's broad ideorealm, Song ci poetry's image, exhibited in graceful, peaceful and sorrowful language, has a distinctive sense of reality and provides Song ci's ideorealm with a special emotional colouring. 与唐诗阔大的境界相比,宋词意象精美绮丽,幽细感伤,以自己特有的质感使词境具有了独特的情感色调。
- It is marred, however, by songs that editorialize mawkishly about the children's plight. 但是,它被吵闹而乏味的关于小孩子困境的评论文章污损了。
- She will sing a song by request of the Queen. 应女王的要求,她将演唱一首歌。
- Liu Yong's Contribution to Song Ci Poem 柳永对宋词的开拓平议
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。
- British colonies were ruled by governors. 英国的殖民地由总督统治。
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 军队因战败而士气消沉。
- Wang Guowei's Biased Comment on Song Ci 王国维两宋词论的偏颇
- The bride was given away by her father. 由父亲把新娘交与新郎。
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。