- This paper discusses three characteristicses of the Xin-xing philosophy of xiong shi li: noumenon, realistic, morals, and the relation between these three characteristicses and modernity . 本文阐述了熊十力心性学的三个特点:本体性、现实性、道德性,以及这三个特点与现代性的密切关系。
- The idea is based upon the fact that you accept this simple concept. An idea is SHI LI, and SHI LI is everything. 简单重复的前提是,你接受这个朴素的观念,观念就是实力,实力就是一切。
- The Manjusri Bodhisattva full name is wen shu shi li, representing wisdom and auspicious meaning. 又称大势菩萨或大精菩萨,简称为势至。
- Hong Kong Allowance Middle school Parliament President Huang Shi Li sobbed during the interview said. 香港津贴中学议会主席黄诗丽在接受记者采访时哽咽地说。
- Huang Shi Li indicated that in listens to the course in the process to be very rambunctious own tear. 黄诗丽表示,在听讲座的过程中很难控制自己的眼泪。
- Carl Riskin, Renwei Zhao and Shi Li, China's Retreat from Equality: Income Distribution and Economic Transition. New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2001. 布伦纳,中国农村财产分配的重新考察,中国居民收入分配再研究,北京:中国财政经济出版社,1999年。
- Also should avoid to retroflexion alone mattess, in order to avoid factitious Shi Li undeserved, and scathing body and mattess. 也要避免单独翻转床垫,以避免人为施力不当,而损伤身体和床垫。
- Carl Riskin, Renwei Zhao and Shi Li, China's Retreat from Equality: Income Distribution and Economic Transition. M.E. Sharpe, 2001. 布伦纳,中国农村财产分配的重新考察:中国财政经济出版社,1999年。
- Jinchu jun fear the passage of time to cross the river so that retreat fromsan shi li , Jinjun embattle across the river. 楚军恐渡河时晋军袭出,使自退三十里,晋军过河布阵。
- Pair sent him on, said: the confrontation between the two armed forces time-consuming wealth, if you want to play, then my backsan shi li , let embattle you cross the river. 他派人对子上说:两军对峙耗时费财,你如果想打,那么我后退三十里,让你过河布阵。
- Shi Li Jia Ye on both sides of the disciples strict Laocheng, Anan devout God, Buddha Duanlijinchi, heavenly kings Cumeinumu, Guinness mighty Xiongjian. 两旁侍立的弟子迦叶严谨老成,阿难虔诚顺服,菩萨端丽矜持,天王蹙眉怒目,力士威武雄健。
- Wearing a black traditional Chinese clothes came to power after the De Lee generous to Ma Wei, GAN Ping three beautiful women judges and other ring SHI Li, Then he sang the song" Chinese", the market is the audience enthusiasm for his martial beat. 身着一身黑色唐装的阿德上台后大方地向马薇、萍等三位美女评委抱拳施礼,然后开始演唱《中国人》,场下的观众则热情地为他打起拍子。
- Jia no.1 Shi Li Bao Bei Li, Chao Yang District, Beijing, PRC 北京市朝阳区十里堡北里甲1号
- Her family lives three li away from her school. 她家住在离学校有三里路的地方。
- Li Bai is one of the greatest poets the world over. 李白是举世最伟大的诗人之一。
- To all appearance, Mr. Li is going to migrate. 李先生显然是要移民了。
- Gao Shi: The Li are hos-pitable. 高师:黎族人都很好客。
- We may say "xiong xiong huo yan" (a raging blaze). 我们还可以说熊熊的火焰。
- Li Ming is not so old as Wang Lin. 李明没有王林年龄大。