- 煎煮(decoction):把一盎司药草加入一品脱水中。DECOCTION: Place one ounce of herb in one pint of water.
- 分析痹肿消汤(Bizhongxiao decoction, BZXD)干预胶原诱导性关节炎大鼠滑膜病变的差异蛋白质表达,探讨痹肿消汤治疗RA的作用机理。To elucidate the mechanism of bizhongxiao decoction (BZXD) in treating rheumatoid arthritis by analyzing the differential expression proteins of synovitis of collagen induced arthritis (CIA) rat treated with BZXD.
- 该菌能在10%稗汁葡萄糖培养液(Barnyardgrass decoction dextrose liquid,BDDL)和改良费氏(Fries)培养液(MFL)中发酵培养产生大量菌丝体。Abundance mycelia can beproduced in fermentation culture in both barnyardgrass decoction dextrose liquid (BDDL) and modified Fries liquid (MFL).