- As they two had a lot in common in their thought and artistic creation, there is a strong trace of Du Fu in Xin Qiji's ci poems. 在思想上和艺术上的诸多相通,使得辛弃疾的词中留下了浓重的老杜痕迹。
- Ci and Ouyang Xiu will be Su, Liu Yong, Xin Qiji, such as the word for the comparison study found a series of valuable conclusions. 将苏词与欧阳修、柳永、辛弃疾等的词作进行比较研究,得出了一系列有价值的结论。
- Among all the enlightening predecessors, Du Fu was a rarely mentioned resource that exerted great influence on Xin Qiji. 在所有使他受益的前人中,杜甫是一个对辛弃疾产生了重大影响,但是又少有人提及的人。
- This is the poem of praising Shangrao written by the South Song Dynasty patriotic poet Xin Qiji, is intoxicated in reading it. 这是南宋爱国词人辛弃疾赞美上饶的诗句,读来令人陶醉。
- This paper holds that Su Shi's Ci writing has not the flowing graceful, powerful and free state of Li Bai's poems; neither does it reach the hero like powerful and free manner of Xin Qiji's Ci writing. 本文认为苏轼词风既没有李白诗风飘逸豪放的境界,也没有赶上辛弃疾词风英雄般的豪放气势。
- An Approach to the Theme of Xin Qiji's Self 试论辛词的自我人生主题
- Fang Yue of the Xin Qiji Ci Poem Parties 辛派词人方岳
- Xin Qiji and the Struggle between the Party Groupings 辛弃疾与朋党之争
- Some Notes on the Usage of Vulgar Words in the Ci of Xin Qiji 稼轩词俗语语词辨析
- Research of Xin Qiji's Arriving at Yanshan Twice in His Youth 辛弃疾少年时代两抵燕山考论
- The metaphor and entrusting in love poems of Xin Qiji 辛弃疾爱情词的比兴与寄托
- The Research on the Case of Chen Liang's Being Rescued by Xin Qiji From Prison 辛弃疾与陈亮狱事
- To Analyze the Same Key Word "Return" in Su Shi's, Lu You's and Xin Qiji's ci 论苏轼、陆游、辛弃疾词作中的相同关键词"归"
- Disappearing in wind and rain? Spring Returns in a Hurry--Image Analysis in Xin Qiji's Word "Wind and Rain" 更能消几番风雨匆匆春又归去--辛弃疾词中的"风雨"意象解读
- On Xin Qiji's serious attitude toward literary creation from a historical perspective 从史的角度论证辛弃疾创作的严肃性
- The Romance of Illusion, The Truth of Dreams--On Su Shi and Xin Qiji's Ci of Dreams 幻的浪漫梦的真实--论苏、辛的梦幻词
- Xin Qiji's Patriotic Feelings and the Changes of His Poems' Style after His Living in Seclusion 从辛弃疾罢官归隐后的词作看辛弃疾的爱国情怀和词风变化
- Having the Weight of the World on His Shoulders--on the Sense of Melancholy in Poet Xin Qiji's Ci 而今识遍愁滋味--漫谈辛弃疾言愁词的愁意象
- Cultural and Psychological Conflict and Forgiveness and Xin Qiji's Lyrical Artistic Structure 文化心理的牴突涵融与辛词抒情艺术结构
- My funds are in Liverpool ,not xin Atlanta. 我的钱存在利物浦,不在亚特兰大。